Will Robin Appear In The Next Batman Movie?

United States
September 26, 2008 1:46am CST
GOD i hope not!! i have a feeling if they bring in Robin they will screw up everything and this version of batman has been the best yet!! Will there be a Robin? Would you want one?
5 responses
@CAdreamer (118)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I think that it can not truly be Batman without Robin. If you were to exclude Robin from the movie then it would not be a true accounting of Batman. After all every hero needs his trusty sidekick. I would definitely want Robin in the next Batman movie. I don't think they will screw it up this time around, they have done pretty good so far. Have some faith in the movies. They will work him in so that the movie is still just as good.
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• United States
26 Sep 08
who would be good to play him though?
• United States
26 Sep 08
Alongside Christian Bale, who knows really. I mean I am sure there are a few performers who would be good. Its just a matter of finding the right one who can create the perfect mood for the movie. Maybe considering Robin is supposed to be younger than Batman, they should consider someone like Hayden Christiansen. After all he can play a darker movie, as we have all seen in the star wars films and he is younger than a lot of the other actors they might get for the role. Plus he seems like he can handle being a hero in a film while still maintaining an aura of darkness and mystery about him.
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• United States
26 Sep 08
Yah I agree. I don't see robin working out to well in the new saga. But who knows? Maybe we will all be surprised, maybe it won't be so bad. Doubt it, but maybe.
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• United States
27 Sep 08
lol i never really liked the robin character anyways.. plus he would have to grow up eventually which would be another thing to deal with.. surely if he is a good hero he would wanna be his own and not a duo and over looked all the time.. i would think at least
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I heard that there will be no robin in the next batman movie, but I think it might not necessarily be a bad idea if they added a robin character in the next batman but it depends on how the robin character is introduced if they bring the character in realistically and they dont do anything cheesy with robin it could work, but because the new version of batman has a very real and has raw feel introducing a robin character if not done correctly could possibly ruin the film.
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• United States
27 Sep 08
im afraid it will end up cheesy.. and i so do not want this version of batman to fail.. i love it lol
• Philippines
26 Sep 08
Robin's story is just as serious as Batman's; his parents were also murdered, and he wants justice for their deaths. But that said, I still wouldn't want to see Robin in the next Batman movie. It's still too early for me, since I was traumatized by Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. Maybe they could just introduce young Richard Grayson, minus the Robin costume, since they're still trying to establish Bruce Wayne's purpose as Batman.
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• United States
27 Sep 08
now that i could see!! have him introduced as a person and then a movie or two down the road make him become robin.. that way its not too quick and shallow looking
@Dday50627 (359)
• United States
26 Sep 08
i hope not too. I thought he sucked anyways. I think they need to leave him out of it.Just my thought...
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