Oh I so like dNeero!

@Aniakim (351)
Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
September 26, 2008 10:13am CST
How many other myLotters are dneero members? After joining just four social conversations in two weeks, i'm not even that active, and i already have $6.81 on my account balance. Isn't that great? unlike PTC sites where I have to click on each ad worth $0.01 for 30 seconds, this one's way so much better. how many of you have tried it?
2 people like this
4 responses
@darksorrow (4666)
• Bangladesh
26 Sep 08
I am using it. It is giving me some easy money. Now i can earn from every survey. Previously i was not earning because i could not understand what i actually have to do. But now it is ok.
• Bangladesh
26 Sep 08
Well you got the person to help you prince. It is not that difficult to earn there. But if you need any help from me then i am here.
• Japan
28 Sep 08
I am also a dNeero-nite like you and I join conversations and post it in my friendster profile. Yes, like you I got more viewers in my friendster profile compared to my blog. Moreover, most of dNeero conversations does not fit in my blog so I rarely post them there. My friendster profile alone works best for me. And here is the good news! I was paid by dNeero two days ago, my first payment from them. I posted a discussion here in myLot but somehow it got deleted for some unknown reason. Oh my. Anyway, if you guys want to see my proof of earnings, please visit my blog. The link is in my profile.
@Aniakim (351)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
28 Sep 08
wow! that's nice. i still have join a couple more conversations to be able to get my first payout. maybe next month i can try asking for a payout. i really like dneero.
@kymommy72 (588)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I've heard of this one too, just can't really figure out how it works. I would love some info on how you earn on dneero.
@Aniakim (351)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
26 Sep 08
hi kymommy! please visit my blog on my profile. i posted topics on dneero on my blog. hope you like dNeero too. thanks for dropping by :D
@ellovire (409)
26 Sep 08
this sounds interesting... do you really get paid that fast?
@Aniakim (351)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
28 Sep 08
you get your payout when your account balance reaches $20 and they pay through paypal. try it.