
September 27, 2008 9:33am CST
Hey Folks, I´d like to know how you think about Naturedrugs. For example Salvia Divinorum also known as Mecca Sage. It is the strenghst known psychoactive Plant in the world. If you inhale the smoke you get into a state full of hallucinations and stuff like that. BUT there are no risks. This states stays alive for a few minutes and your mind or brain doesnt get marred. I know this is a hard subject, but also interesting, and I hope, that you, Admins, do not block this discussion or my account. This here is not supposed to be a tutorial for doing drugs! I just wanna know your oppinion. greez Manuel
1 response
@NrgDfenZ (1810)
• Belgium
27 Sep 08
And you can supply me with it ? :D I would try it if I had the chance :) Have a nice day..
• Austria
27 Sep 08
haha, well, you can get salvia in almost every headshop andon the internet. Its completely legal in almost every country althugh its that heavy. Once again, I dont wanna tell how to do, or that you should try ;)