
United States
September 27, 2008 9:36am CST
I finally got my excess funds check from my financial aid. My loan excess was about 80 dollars, but my grant excess was like 4500 bucks! Time to pay some bills, right? What would you do with your excess funds?
1 response
• United States
27 Sep 08
Lol! I used mine to pay off some bills, get my kids school clothes and buy a desperately needed second car. I have a really nice Jeep, but my boyfriend didn't have a car and we needed two so we could both get to where we need to go every day. So, unfortunately, my excess funds are gone. The worst part is, I may have to take a medical withdrawal from school... ugh! That happened to me last time I went back to school. Of course, that time the medical condition wasn't quite as bad, I was pregnant. This time, I'm just hoping I can return next semester!