Are You A Dog Person or a Cat Person?

United States
September 27, 2008 5:49pm CST
We recently adopted a dog-a beautiful syberian husky/lab mix and brought him into our home which is already home to two cats. Needless to say there is a great deal of conflict between the cats and the dog. It also led me to realize how completely opposite the disposition is between the animals. Dogs are very submissive and compantion oriented. They want to be loved and played with and treated like part of the family and when you punish them or discipline them, they simply accept they did something wrong and ask forgiveness. Cats are the polar opposite. Our cats are completely indifferent to our intentions, interests or discipline. Yell at a cat and it hisses and runs away. They don't want to be played with-except on their terms, they don't accept discipline-at all, and they just generally keep to themselves most of the time. Sure they come around occassionally, but for the most part, they stand alone. It made me realize something else too...people are generally attracted to one type of pet or the other. Sure there are those families (like ours) that have both, but overall, most people have a preference. I know I prefer the dog to the cats, as I cannot abide the standoffish attitude of a cat. I like the company of a dog, and I enjoy the loyal friendship they exhibit. So I pose the question. Which type of animal do you prefer? In the world of finding the perfect pet, do you prefer one to the other? I think that the type of pet you pick also says something about who you are as a person...and that "something" is neither good nor bad, just a piece of what makes you who you are.
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17 responses
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
28 Sep 08
I prefer the company of a dog. I find dogs are more loyal to a human being. It is more fun to have a dog while a cat is more independent. I am an animal lover and I cannot bear cruelty to animal including cats, however the cats pee stinks and really puts me off from having them as pets.
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• Philippines
28 Sep 08
I love dogs, I have 2 dogs in our house. Sometimes I want to try to adopt a cat with breed but I don't know if I can because cats are very hard to take care because of there mood. Sometimes they are sweet but sometimes they get mad in a way that I don't understand why and what's happening. maybe because I'm not good in taking care of a cat, or I don't know how!
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• United States
27 Sep 08
My vote will always go to the dogs. Dogs are really loyal and faithful and like you said,they love to feel like part of the family and the kind of dogs I always had loved to protect me from strangers or from people that they think is trying to hurt me. I never had a cat but I have relatives that do.
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@mhrmasum (678)
• Bangladesh
28 Sep 08
I usually a cat person. I like cat as my pet.
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• Philippines
28 Sep 08
hi sksongwriter.. i love animals but i prefer to care a dog.. you're right dogs want to be loved and cared. and they loved to played with you.. they want to treated as a family. I love dogs...
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• United States
28 Sep 08
I'm more of a dog person but i love cats alot too.
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• United States
27 Sep 08
I can definitely say that I much prefer the idea of dogs rather than cats; there is something about dogs that I just love, and I just have never been able to get into the idea of having cats. Dogs have been fun for me since I was young; we had a terrier and a golden retreiver growing up. My wife does not like dogs at all, so we don't have one right now. I have been trying to sell her on getting one, but we'll have to wait and see how that will work.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
28 Sep 08
I've always been a cat person. I like dogs and have been thinking lately that it might be nice to have one again but I can't be without a cat. We currently have two including the one in my avatar who is the greatest pet of all time. He's a bit like a dog. When I come home, he comes down to the car and walks me into the house. I've never known a cat to do that before, it seems more like something a dog would do.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
28 Sep 08
I'm a cat person because cats take care of themselves more. You don't have to let them out instead they use the litter box. Our dog won't go out unless we feed her a treat when she comes in. She than just goes out when its not needed to get some food upon coming in. Its not really that big of a deal but I find cats to be nicer pets as well.
• United States
27 Sep 08
I've always been a dog person. Even before I somehow became allergic to cats, I favored dogs. We just got a new Jack Russell puppy about 2 months ago and we love her so much!
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@apples99 (6556)
• United States
27 Sep 08
I'm in all person I like all animals but right now I have a cat I just think there a little easyer to take care of but I'd love to get a dog someday.
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@rizzu87 (860)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 08
I am a cat lover basically, cat is a clean and Loving animal whereas dog is wild animal always angry with people and sometimes even bites the owner. Cats are usually very cool minded and they mind their own business most of the time and dont bark always like Dogs
• Malaysia
28 Sep 08
I can agree with you, about your opinion on cat.. I never had dog at home but in my experience, i don't think dog is that bad. And not only dog, cat also sometime bite their owner. I guess they will respond according to how we treated them.
@rizzu87 (860)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 08
I dint say that dogs are not good, they are really active but sometimes they cause problems, like my friends has a beautiful sheetszu and its usually in the cage overnight. But since the last few days when they keep in the cage, he starts barking like anything, and dont stop until he is taken out and taken into the room. They like dogs but they dont want it to interrupt during their sleep. I am damn sure if it was a cat it wold have never done like that.
@radinrr90 (157)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 08
I like both. For me, dog is more to friend, while cat, i just love it cutenest. I never had dog at home, but i'm thinking about having one oneday. I once had a cat at home, persian cat. It came to my house when it just a little kitten. To bad i'm allergic to cat, i had to gave it away..But love them so much.
• United States
28 Sep 08
idk i think i like both but i like dogs better i think :)
• Canada
28 Sep 08
I am a dog and a cat person cause I like both of them and used to ahve both of them. I can't have pets in my appartment right nwo but when I get another place I will prob get one of each again. They are both cute and they can get along if they grow up togetehr with each otehr.
• United States
28 Sep 08
I am a cat person. I have one indoor cat and 2 outdoor cats. I was a dog person when I was growing up and had dogs. But, back then I always wanted a cat but my cat would always run away. So, I guess that is why I am a cat person today.
@jakerr (3)
28 Sep 08
I am very much a dog person, they are very loyal companions. I have two Golden retrievers and three collies.