I am unable to log on to Crewbux.com!

United Arab Emirates
September 28, 2008 6:21am CST
Hey all, i've been trying from yesterday to sign in to 'crewbux' but its giving me error of 'invalid user name and password'. All the people who use crewbux kindly tell me all of you having the same problem or not? is it some bug on site or just i'm having this problem. kindly reply me fast,as i'm almost near to payout.
3 responses
@bigtom1 (1573)
28 Sep 08
Go a few discussions behind in this interest and you will find that they have lost a considerate number of members, so try going to the forum and join the complaining crew and maybe they might fix your problems. I know most of you like the site but its getting wierd these days. Happy mylotting and have a nice day
1 person likes this
• India
28 Sep 08
hi i am also facing this problem from today and has started the same discussion as this earlier today here.i really dont know the problem but i got the responses as it is a bug which creates this .thousands of other crewbux users are facing this problem and are hoping to solve it.i am also hoping that it will be solve soon. wait and login again.
• United Arab Emirates
28 Sep 08
so, what i should do now, should i wait or send complain to crewbux coz if they 've deleted my id from their database then what will be the procedure of restoring. will they automatically resolve this issue or i'll need to send complain to them then it will be fixed.What would be the procedure?
• India
28 Sep 08
dont worry that they have deleted your account.wait and login again tomorrow or after sometime.there are lots of users facing this problem and there is a thread opened in their forum about this problem .so dont worry.hope it will be ok soon.
• United Arab Emirates
28 Sep 08
oh alright.thanx a lot! :)
@zenki08 (700)
• Philippines
28 Sep 08
There was a bug I think in the script you can read more in the forum. Thousands of users were deleted but they are working on it. Luckily they have a backup. I also can't login
• United Arab Emirates
28 Sep 08
even i'm unable to log on to their forums n having same problem of invalid user name and password,so, how i can complain about this login problem to the crewbux management. :(