Wow...she put herself down for a NAP!

@tlb0822 (1410)
United States
September 28, 2008 10:20am CST
My daughter just surprised me. She is 9 months old, and I just turned around to look on what she was doing. She climbed up on the couch, got her bottle, covered herself up with the blanket, and layed her head down on the pillow, and went to sleep. Usually she wants me to lay with her for naptime. So I am fairly surprised that she decided to do it by herself. Wow. It's a little sad though because it means she is becoming more independent. hmm. When was the first time you noticed your child become more independent? Do you have a set nap time, or just let them sleep when they want?
3 responses
@paulsy (1263)
• Philippines
28 Sep 08
When my two teenagers were little, they took naps immediately after having lunch. It was like their beds were automatically bellowing them after lunch to come and take their places. The house would suddenly be totally quiet and everyone was in their own bedroom. On the other hand, our little girl, who's turning 5 this October, would only take her nap when told to do so. If she could get away with it, she won't take her nap at all!
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@psspurgeon1 (1109)
• United States
28 Sep 08
That is around the age my first daughter gained her independance in going to sleep. It was scary to me and I was very sad, but ultimately I knew that it was good for her. Knowing that she can do this, you probably should start encouraging it. The more independant she is at sleeping the better off you all are. My second daughter wouldn't nap or go to sleep on her own until she was almost two and it wreaked havoc on our entire household. So be grateful that you as a parent have given her the independance and the abliity by making her feel loved and secure in her daily life to go to sleep without you having to do it for her.
@alkhansa (88)
• Saudi Arabia
28 Sep 08
Sometimes my kids do that too when they're very tired. They're 2 and 3 years old. It's very cute when they do this. One time they are running around screaming and next time it's so quiet, and there they are sleeping LOL. But I try to keep a schedule with them for naps and going to bed at night. It's good for them and it's healthy to have a schedule. My kids love their schedule and if I miss it (when we're out visiting someone) they get very antsy.