if you are hungry in the middle of the night, do you get out of bed and eat?

September 29, 2008 9:21am CST
lately, i find myself not able to sleep and i am always looking for something to eat around 2-3 am.... wahhhh... not good... since, i am eating something... .how about you? do you just ignore the hunger pangs and sleep or be raiding the fridge for something to nibble on? which one are you?
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15 responses
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I usually have some water and that helps. The worst thing to do is to get up and eat something and then go right back to sleep. It is hard on the heart. Also, the food just sits in your stomach and does not digest until you get up. Maybe you should try to have a little snack of cookies and milk or something about an hour before you go to sleep at night and see if maybe that helps you. Good luck! Have a great day and happy myLotting!!!
• Philippines
29 Sep 08
hi there... that's a great suggestion... hehehehe... yeah, sometimes, i can't find it easy to go back to sleep because i ate alot more than i should.. hehheeh.. happy mylotting.
@venusyin (44)
• China
29 Sep 08
And the interesting thing about sleep with hunger is that I have dreams in which I eat many delicious foods and a lot. Still I am conscious that I am in sleep so I just keep eating for there is no need to be afraid of getting plump
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• Philippines
29 Sep 08
hi thanks for the response. what do you nibble on? happy mylotting
• Philippines
29 Sep 08
wow... what type of other desserts. now i am drooling over the chocolate cake...wah and it's two minutes before midnight. hehehe
• China
29 Sep 08
Desserts,chocolate cakes, things I like but because of the high calories they contain that I can't eat too much for a time.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
29 Sep 08
When I'm already in bed and asleep and woke up with hunger pangs? I usually sleep it off. Then I wake up very hungry the next morning and that's when I satisfy myself. But if I'm still awake and would want something to nibble on, then I find myself in the kitchen looking for something to make my stomach happy. But lately, I've been very good at not doing this.
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• Philippines
4 Oct 08
hi there.. i try to sleep it off but lately... i haven been eating... wahhhhh.... miss you friend. take care. thanks for the reply.
• India
29 Sep 08
Well, this happens often with me now as i am trying to reduce weight and folllowing a diet.But i get hungry in the middle of the night.I wake up and have a fruit or yoghurt for that sake.
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• Philippines
29 Sep 08
hi thanks for the response. yeah, i drink cold yogurt milk..blueberry in flavor... hehehe... have you heard about dutchmill? happy mylotting
• Malaysia
29 Sep 08
i do not usually wake up in the middle of the night. even if there is a chance, it is only for a pee. i don't practise eating at odd hours as i have been told before this is really fattening as the food will sit in your stomach. i believe once a person practise eating at certain odd hours, he/she may not be able to refrain from it. you may even feel uneasy because your mind keeps thinking about the food. i advise you to drink a glass of milk if you really feels hungry at night.
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• Philippines
29 Sep 08
hi thanks for the response. yeah, i drink cold yogurt milk.. happy mylotting
@venusyin (44)
• China
29 Sep 08
No, I just ignore the hunger and go to sleep again quickly and hoping that I can lose some weight. But actually if I feel hungry before or during the sleep, after several days, I become much slimmer:D
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• Philippines
29 Sep 08
hahahaha... a new way to lose weight. hehehehe
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
4 Oct 08
I used to wake up and make a sandwich and a cup of tea. However I am eating a snack or a fruit at around 8pm so that I won't feel hungry during the night. This helps me from not raiding the fridge at odd hours.
@deltax (287)
• Philippines
29 Sep 08
When I'm not too sleepy I usually go to the fridge and get something to eat or drink. But not plenty, coz I find it hard to sleep with a full stomach. :)
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• Philippines
29 Sep 08
hi thanks for the response. what do you nibble on? me, sometimes, i just drink yogurt milk... dutchmill. yum. happy mylotting.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
30 Sep 08
I eat! I get up and poach and egg or make a grilled cheese sandwich or eat a bowl of cereal with milk. No lying around starving for me. But usually in the middle of the night we haven't gone to bed yet, so it is not necessary to get up for a snack.
• Philippines
30 Sep 08
hi there shiloh, i only get hungry by that time if i fail to eat dinner and when ever a pang of starvation on the middle of the night hits me i just shrug it off and go with my sleep thinking that i can do the eating in the morning instead. i never remembered that i raided our fridge on the middle of the night looking for something to eat. i am a person who can go starving at night. i think sleep is what i needed more over food. LOL. i will be missing you friend. :)
@Ramyaa (62)
• India
30 Sep 08
Yes i eat , wen i am hungry in the middle of the night.i can't be with hunger.I cant sleep too.I won't ignore my hunger pangs and sleep.
• Malaysia
4 Oct 08
I can't sleep well if i am in hungry, not sure why, but i must wake up and find somethings to eat. Most of the time, i will have a cup of hot Milo, is a drink where famous in my country, is product from Nestle. And of course will get some biscuits and dip into it and then enjoy the delicious meal i have prepared. But i would not like to do that often as is really cause me not enough sleep and can't concentrate to work on next day. So i practice eat little bit 1 or 2 hour before sleep. That make me feel for comfortable.
@dolcias (302)
• Egypt
29 Sep 08
i would eat something light,some yogurt or a fruit,but if i ignore my hunger i can't sleep.
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• Philippines
29 Sep 08
hehehe... you are like my brothers too.. they would get out of bed and find something to eat too. happy mylotting.
• United States
30 Sep 08
if i am hungry and i wake up because of it i would get up and get something to eat even if it is something small. that way i can go back to bed and not have this feeling that i am hungry and not getting the sleep that i need to function during the day. i wont go and have like a 3 course meal but something small and satisfying that will curb that hungry feeling that i have.
@eihdra (3115)
• Philippines
29 Sep 08
Hi, shiloh.. I have to get up if I get hungry in the middle of the night, because I am diabetic.. I have to eat or else my sugar will fall way down to a level which would cause me to chill or worst, be comatose... I dont mind getting up coz it's needed.. The only problem would be, getting back to sleep..