$400 A Month?

United States
October 2, 2008 2:16pm CST
Is that possible.... anywhere?
7 responses
@browneyed (2522)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 08
Hi arock14 It's as possible and impossible as a person thinks it is. I, for one, know it's possible as I recently made more than that last month (just under $500). How you achieve that really depends on what you're interested in and how you utilise that interest to earn you an online income. For me, it's writing and that's how I've been able to make that amount. It wasn't easy though. I started off making $51 in January this year and went from there. Anyway, whatever you decide to do with the responses in this discussion, good luck.
@amerie86 (148)
2 Oct 08
Of course it all, depending on how many hours a day you spend online, you just have to seek out the right websites and dont settle on one or two you need a lot of different streams of income.
@amerie86 (148)
2 Oct 08
Lol believe me I do not post to make money on this thanks very much, don't comment on something you don't know much about. I gave my opinion thats all I wanted to do. I made my money from searching it out for myself, i'm not saying this person should or should not all i'm saying is yes it can be done.
• United States
3 Oct 08
Hey,bags,chill out,amerie just gave a simple answer.There's nothing wrong with that.Most of the replies to discussions on Mylot are simple.After seeing your post,I wouldn't go near any of your suggestions.
• United States
3 Oct 08
how about we stop fighting and attacking visitors that are just giving friendly advice.. Who cares if it was short? she thought it was helping. Have some respect, jees. And BTW.. I'm a girl. not a "guy"
@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
3 Oct 08
On the internet,it's possible,but doubtful.If it was everyone would be doing it.Besides,it would take a lot more time and effort than most Mylotters have. I would search Mylot for different ways to make money.Then,find your own niche.There may be several things that attract you that will earn you money.Stick with them and try to get some referrals.Research is probably your biggest key to making money on the internet.Don't go by what everyone else is doing.Go by what interests you.If you don't like doing it,you won't be able to give it your best effort.Good luck!
@paid2write (5201)
3 Oct 08
I can make that much from multiple streams of income, not from one site. I have to work for it. You won't get it without making a lot of effort. Mine comes from article writing, blogging, searching and a few other activities. The best thing is I earn my money from doing what I enjoy.
@ramangill (1479)
• India
2 Oct 08
lol, answer is simple, if it is easy,then evry net sutfer would have been rich by now, you asked $400 from my experience, even $4 per month is not easy, i have wasted my 2-3months here and i only have $3.6 in my paypal, if you see $3.6 is nothing in practical life. so i would say for fun sake,it is ok,keep doing, but dont dream and dont waste all your time here, thats my suggesion. take care.
@parvezjs (422)
• India
2 Oct 08
Sir, I agree to your point here, Initially it was very hectic and time consuming. I also did few things during first 3-4 months or say 5-6 months and I had nothing in my paypal or alert pay account. But gradually it came and then I reinvested that amount and the frequency of my deposits increased. And I reinvested again. Now after 2 years into it I do make decent earning. During these two years I used to work for almost 4 hours daily and now I work for almost 2 hours daily. Earning online requires a lot of patience and persistence. God Bless.
@Jenaisle (14078)
• Philippines
3 Oct 08
It's possible, if you put your heart and mind into it. This is usually posible through writing(reviews, posts or writing sites, writing contests) . You have to select several trusted sites and write for them. At first I was earning only by tens but as I find my interests and got used to it, my earnings increased and now, I'm the one who is giving up. There are lots and lots of legitimate sites to earn money from if one has time and the expertise to write about any topic under the sun.
@parvezjs (422)
• India
2 Oct 08
$400 a month is not a big deal. I am already making it. Of course I have a complete bouquet of websites. And you know what I never invested a single penny. Initially the life was a bit difficult but now as everything is settled things are going pretty smooth. The Idea is 1) keep your options open, 2) Don't restrict yourself to one kind of program, 3) Initially reinvest your income, 4) Never give up, 5) Online earning requires a lot of decepline. All the best. If you need any advice I am always there to help people. (this is also one way to grow your earnings; help others). God Bless