I have a crush and she also has a crush on me, but we are both taken...

October 5, 2008 9:12am CST
Hey guys! The first time that I saw her I was instantly attracted to her. I find her cute. We got to know each other at our school's laboratory. We were doing an experiment for our Chemistry subject, but we found a different chemistry. We enjoyed each others company. We lough, exchange jokes, we text each other. Although we were both already taken. Whenever she has a problem or had an argument with her boyfriend she would tell me. I too, does the same thing. Then I told her that I have a crush on her thru text,. It was okay with her and she also admitted to me that she has a crush on me too. What do you guys think should I do to handle this. We are Both taken..
2 responses
@X3NN379 (40)
• Philippines
7 Oct 08
it all depends on you, bro. this kind of reminds me of a song... "are you gonna stay with the one who loves you, or are you going back to the one you love?.." just kidding, hehe :D what i'm trying to say is you go to the girl you like more. just make sure you don't leave any loose ends. if you're planning to break up with your current girlfriend, please do it in a way that would least hurt her feelings. just a little advice :D
@jackiew (915)
• Canada
5 Oct 08
First of all if you have a crush on her and want to pursue the relationship then you have to first break-up with your current girl friend-you can't be with someone and have feelings for another-Be straight with your current partner.