Love, relationships, Family, Sports, dogs

United States
October 6, 2008 2:45pm CST
Yes- I was wrong- We promised each other to barry the past she Charlene agreed, she did not- I am getting help but I will no longer do so- I promised Charlene- I will quit whinning, you are right- it's time to be a man and find someone eles where we don't have all this drama- I am not jealous, but because a person is becomming a case manager they are to keep confidential information confidential she has not, what do you think she will say about me- The marriage is done I want an annuelment, she can move on and I can do the same, things will never be the same, but divorces are ugly, and I am angry but I will do it the legal way-Thank you all for responding I have made my own decision based on what was told to me thank you everyone-Charlene had 8 months to becoem a Doctor, she got caught for shoplifting and still shoplifts today, I forgave her and stood by her side now she will not stand by mine-I am done with her and have filed form divorce today, she will be served with the papers soon, at work or wher she lives-
3 responses
• United States
6 Oct 08
I agreed to put the past behind us.. You Too agreed and you went and got drunk anyway. What past did I continue to bring up? Stealing NO. That is what you know of my past and you like to tell everyone that, I made a mistake and I paid for it and did my time. I am making something out of my life and now I can hold my head up high and say I'm a better person today. What can you say for yourself? I changed, people change, can you change? Stop drinking? Stop abusing me, and all forms of it? I failed to answer a phone, why does that consitute me not putting the past behinds us? and why does that make you want to end you life and ours?
• United States
6 Oct 08
You stole steaks and bottles of brandy for mom E&J.. Don't lie, you have stole many time after the fact, I can turn you in
• United States
7 Oct 08
Like I said- The past will always be brought up with her, she will nevr let it go, I will make sure of that, her father will know, her job will knwow her daughter will know, whn I file for a dovorce everyone will know...
• United States
7 Oct 08
Your evil and sick. Spend your energy doing something good not hateful and evil. Hurting others takes allot of energy.
@Jezebella (1446)
• United States
7 Oct 08
THIS SHOULD NOT BE DISCUSSED VIA INTERNET FORUM LIKE MYLOT! THis is a personal dispute so do it in your personal time.
• United States
6 Oct 08
This is not because of me not keeping my work at work. This is not about me being a thief at one time. This is about you breaking your promise to me! You continue to hurt me again, and again. These comments all show it. You can't hurt me with your hands, so you try to be little me about my past. Your past is what has caused us all this drama. Me not being able to answer a phone? And you calling and telling me your done with life and us after being drunk? Help me understand why me telling you stories from work keep you from trusting me? Then why did you marry me? You and I talked about my days at work and you never said...babe you shouldn't talk about's breaking confidentilty... You are just throwing punchs at me, they aren't hitting my face or body this time but you still get a hard on doing it! Leave my name out of you comments please. I never mentioned yours.