Why can't i write like i used to

United States
October 7, 2008 6:55pm CST
Before i got married i could write poety with no problems. Sure everyone would tell me that it was dark and morbid but it was mine & it was how i got over feeling blue. Sure things have gotten better in my life but i still feel down only thing is now i don't have an outlet for my feelings. does anyone else have this problem? or am i the only one.
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4 responses
• United States
8 Oct 08
The same to me...I think it is because of the change of one's mood.
• United States
8 Oct 08
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
I'm sure you're not the only one with this problem. Six billion people on this planet would surely find one or two million that has a similar situation. Poetry is nice.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I was the same way...my poetry and writing was a great outlet for me back in the day and yes my stuff was all dark and whatnot but now that i'm older and in a much better place in life I have been having a hard time (up until recently) getting back in the swing of things....What I started doing was READING alot of different styles of poetry and oddly enough, working with a thesaurus LOL..I've found that keeping one of those handy has helped me a great deal in finding new, fresh words and building from there...plus like I said reading poetry lately has also helped break that wall down for me..
8 Oct 08
It is quite common to have such a mental state. Writing does not come easiliy to a content person. I think you are more happy now. More satisfied with life. You have your expressions diverted to love and care for another person.There is no more the need to express inner agonies and lonelyness. You have somebody to share them. So the mental block. My advice is this. Let your emotions sink down.Let yourself get used to the new realities in your life. Take a holiday from writing. I am sure it will come back to you.