How many of you are here in mylot to only earn money? (be honest)

money, mylot - Do you love this place really or just for money?
New Zealand
October 9, 2008 11:51am CST
As the title says, how many of you members are really in mylot only to earn money.. I will start with mine.. To be honest, when I first came to know about mylot community, I heard that I will make some extra money for discussing here. At the begining, yes, I joined mylot for money. But day by day, my intentions are really changed and I started to like mylot as more a discussion community than a place to earn money. Now really, I am not here for money . I am here to just share thoughts with peoples, gain some knowledge, read some useful information, etc; and started to love mylot more of an informative place rather than a place to earn money. What about you? Please share you opinions on this...
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35 responses
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
10 Oct 08
just like you said in this post many people came in on mylot for the money but as time went by we started changing focus ,it was like that for me as i now enjoy the interaction mylot offers rather than the money attached.i just enjoy the attitude of people here especially the good advises
@savmot (261)
9 Oct 08
I think anyone that is here purely to make money is completely wasting their time. There are far better sites in which it is far easier to make more money in less time. In my experience with mylot, you would have to type til your fingers bleed to make more than 30c
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@trixyteddy (1070)
• India
10 Oct 08
I agree with you Vince. I too started off with the intention of making money. But then....the discussion got so interesting, I forget to check how much I have made. Its nice to have people like you around.
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
10 Oct 08
I wonder why so many people ask this question? I have noticed that I post more, respond more and yet - and I blame it on those who ask these questions because myLot reads these as well and has acted accordingly. You see I do not blame mylot for what is it is doing, I blame those who ask these questions. I am here for numerous reasons, and making money is one of them and it might seem unimportant to you, but for me it is not. If you want mylot to be more important in friends, etc. why not just ask myLot to put a "donate my pay" button and have it directed to a link to popular charities. And do not make it so that if I want to have a goal of making so much a month by doing what I love - writing, I have to give up my novel writing, singing, housework, walking, cooking, etc. to accomplish this.
• Philippines
9 Oct 08
i do believe that as first timers we came here for the same reason..and that is to earn extra money online...that was my intention when i signed up on intentions differs every day here in times when i need money i go here to accomplish a payout but most of the time i come here because of friends..each day i had loved this site so much that i can't even stand a chance not to go on even on my busy days
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• China
14 Oct 08
that is true ,i came here for money at the begining,when i sign in ,i find it too hard to make money,what should i do ?leave here ,never !what a great place ,when i am here ,i fell that a great many of friends around me ,they help me to cope with the problems which i meet in my daily life ,so it just like a warm big family. i love stay here,by the way,englidh is not my mother language,but i can improve it here haha
@vicky30 (4766)
• India
10 Oct 08
I came here to mylot first mainly to earn money.But now i find it very interesting to participate in discussions that give me knowledge.It also helps me make friends around the world
@suruchi86 (1873)
• India
24 Apr 09
Frankly speaking, initially I joined Mylot with a single point agenda of earning money. But now I have developed some level of interest also in the discussions going on at Mylot.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
10 Oct 08
So Vince, why would you be initially attracted by the extra money since WWE is so lucrative for you..LOL? When I first signed up here, I was checking out the internet looking for money making opportunities, and I found out that actually the money wasn't earned that quickly unless one has lots of time to invest here. But the little pocket money aside, I started to enjoy the discussions and sharing with people I don't even know from all over the world. That's really interesting, I thought. I also made some very good friends here this past year I've been in myLot, and so the earnings part becomes secondary. It's now the satisfaction and enjoyment that keeps me going here.
• New Zealand
10 Oct 08
lol. Yes WWE is fun. And thanx for being honest with your answer..
@StereoDiva (2143)
• Canada
9 Oct 08
There is not enough money to be made on this site to keep me here. I stay here because of friends I have made and to network. It's a great place for finding referrals and I think that is why most people stay... regardless of what they admit. :)
• New Zealand
9 Oct 08
Thanx for being honest with your answer. I have never expected this much of honest answers. I am happy to see each and every single person who posted here have been honest with their answers and yes finally mylot has got many good peoples as well. This is one of the reason why I am still here..
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• Romania
15 Oct 08
I respond to this discussion because your situation is similar to mine. But, must also say, being paid for something I write, for my opinion, for my story, even if not much, is great, makes me feel good. This is the first time in my life somebody pays me for ... discussions and comments ! I like that, I feel good, I want more and I think I can do this better. This is the most interesting start I had this year. Never crossed my mind to write for money ! And to like this place as well ! Good working system we have here, on MyLot !
@Margarit (3676)
• Philippines
9 Oct 08
Hi vince, Same as you said, my brother told me to join here to earn extra money. to be honest i do it for i need some extra cash. But as the time pass by,i notice that the earning her is so slow to go up , the effort and the time i spend is not worth it at all and this makes me a little dissapionted for it. But still i cant abondon this site for i am more hunger on the learning and the friendship i have when i started to join here.I never been in a site that has friendly people who very willing to share their thought and ideas with sense. Now, I just think the earning here as consolation prize for the effort i make. I consider this site like my other favorite that doesnt pay so that i wont be concern about my earning. And i think this is the reason why other stay longer here in this site, not for the money earn.
@dhaarvi (147)
• India
29 Oct 08
i use both for money as well as discussions
@bsa861 (339)
• India
10 Oct 08
At the beginning yes, I was here to earn money. Even now that motivates me, but I often forget I have to post a lot of discussions to earn money and just keep on reading the discussions. People and discussions at mylot are really amazing. They are the most informative and trust able. I have joined many sites which my co-mylotters have told me to join so that I can make money and its really working. Before coming here I never know there are so many ways of making money. Now at mylot I help people to learn things that I have learned from mylot and discuss things those interests me, even I am getting better at my English and improving expressiveness. All thanks to MyLot :)
@glistar (127)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I just recently started posting on MyLot, but yes, I do it for the money. However, for some justification, posting here isn't a very good way to make money, surveys are so much easier. The reason I chose to come to MyLot was bc I do like reading forums to see what other people have to say and how they interpret things. It's kind of like two birds with one stone sort of thing.
• Mauritius
9 Oct 08
i think that mylot is a constructive way of earning online. We need to focus on posting and referring our friends, then the reward will come by itself.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Like you, I first joined this site to make some extra money. But that's not the reason I stayed. I am still here, almost 2 years later, because of the fun (and not so fun) this community brings and not because of the money that I make on here. If I was here just for the money I would have left a long time ago!
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Oct 08
hi vincemcmahon I am here to share, care, and enjoy with all mylot friends.As I am an elderly woman with a small social security check I love getting some extra money of course, but its more for the social aspect as I was bored sick with being retired 'and not having anything to do, now my day is full and I am happy again.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Hi Vince, Welcome to mylot! Honestly, as you said at first I came here by accident and I heard I could earn some money. I had never been to any kind of site like this before. From the first day I fell in love with mylot and I have never missed a day since. I made some incredible friends right away who guided me through the beginning scary parts of learning the way around mylot and now I have friends that I hope will be with me for a very long time. It is not about the money, although yes I do need it very badly to pay my bills. I just love being here and learning things and talking about different things to different people and having a great time each and every day!
• India
10 Oct 08
Well to start with to be frank I thought of using mylot just to earn money online during my leisure timings. But trust me,that's not the case now. Infact I feel obliged and pride in taking part in discussions thereby sharing both happiness and sorrows of my fellow people. Joined as a myLot member very recently but it has taught me few good things already. I'm really happy to be a part of this myLot family now :):) Cheers
@kenguyen (101)
• Australia
11 Oct 08
My first intention was also about making some extra money on Mylot. I just have a bit different idea from yours that keeping to gain $$$ but also enjoying discussions. I also found out this is a good site where you can get much of useful information. Do you feel it is like a Q&A forum? You just got a question, an inquiry, or an issue, just put it here and people will come and friendly advise you. THANKS so much myLot.
• United States
14 Oct 08
I too joined here to try another way to make some extra money. In the very short time I have been here, I've found that it truly is a great place to spend some time. There are some really nice people here and some really great discussions. I have learned a few things that will help me with my other ventures and that knowledge is worth way more to me than the few sents I earn for posting here. I really like it now and plan to continue on for as long as the site will have me. :)