Found money

October 9, 2008 12:24pm CST
Ok your walking down the street and you find money laying in the middle of the road...What would you do...scoop it up and keep on walking...Or stop and look around to see if you see who lost someone is looking around...or would you do something totally different....I found $80.00 on the road a few weeks ago...and I will leave it at that to build some suspense...lets see what you would do
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7 responses
• Philippines
9 Oct 08
well, I'm sure the common reaction of people who found money is to pick it up before he looks around and see if there is looking at him or is there owner around. Well, if no body seems looking for a lost money of course, I would take it. I seldom hear people shouting to all around him that he found money and calling for the owner of it? I'm sure many would claim it as theirs. Well, who knows? in the crisis that we are facing today? many are broke and would do whatever means in order to have money. But if I found it, and no body is looking for a lost money, that means I have to keep it fior that is my blessing.
9 Oct 08
They say finders keepers. I found money today but only 5 pounds. I was broke and i bought some chicken to cook for dinner and on my way home i found money on the floor, i did pick it up since it replaced my chicken money.
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• United States
9 Oct 08
I would look around to see if there was anybody that could have dropped it, if there was I'd ask them if they lost any money. If they said yes, I'd ask them how much, and if they guessed the wrong amount the money would be mine.
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@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
10 Oct 08
If I found money, I will look around, if there isn't anybody around there. I will take the money. If there is somebody, I will ask him : is he lose his money ? He said no, then the money become me. keep post happy myLotting...
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@Sheepie (3112)
• United States
9 Oct 08
Well, I saw a ten dollar bill on the sidewalk a few weeks ago, but I didn't even bend down to pick it up. I had a feeling it was a trick. It seemed kind of weird to me. If it wasn't, I sure was missing out! If I did pick up some money, and it was maybe 30 dollars or less, I think I would keep it, because, who's going to claim that? I would look around first, but I'm sure nobody really would die without it! Finders keepers! Who's going to put in a police report for 20 dollars anyway?
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@cndn420 (2062)
• Canada
9 Oct 08
I'd probably look around to see if anyone was there looking and if there was I would ask them how much they lost and if they didn't know then I would keep the money but if no one was around at all, I'd just take the money. No sense in leaving it there.
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@jstory07 (134833)
• Roseburg, Oregon
30 Aug 15
I would look around ande if no one was around the money is mind the next person would keep it.