Will/Living will do you have one

@heaven11 (1159)
United States
October 14, 2008 10:24pm CST
Iam gonna start by explaining what brought this on 6 months ago my hubby took a job with the union and there is a benefit that you can get that is attorney/prepaid legal advice so he signed up for it well in the info they sent home with him was 2 packets one for each of us and they were will questionaires we had to fill them out and return them and then they will do the rest well that didnt bother me so much but a few days ago I got another piece of mail from the firm I didnt pay much attention to it until today it was the living wills so as I begain to read it asks who we want to make our decsions if we were unable and when would we consider are self to be unable then it goes on to ask about treatment it ask if we want CPR, LIFE SUPPORT?OTHER ARTIFICAL SUPPORT,REATMENT OF NEW CONDTIONS,TUBE FEEDING?IV FLUIDS and then burrial plans Thats when it hit me anything is possible I never know how things are going to turn out I could leave my children behind at any age.I had to set it down and walk away it was too much It may sound crazy but I never figured at 22 years old I would be setting down trying to plan the end of my life do you have your wills done how old were you and how did you feel filling them out
2 responses
@pehpot (4762)
• Philippines
15 Oct 08
No I don't have right now and I have no intention yet to make one.
@heaven11 (1159)
• United States
15 Oct 08
I had no intention of getting one either but when he took this bennefit it made since. Mainly because here in the state of Tennesse if something happens to you and your spouse and you dont have a will your children go straight to states custdoy your family can not get them without a fight and then it is still hard so I needed to make sure my children went to our family and not foster care So I decided I defentily need to do one to protect my childrens futre incase something happen befor they were 18
• Canada
15 Oct 08
It is a chore, but it really should be done. It proves that you are old enough to plan ahead and plan for the inevitable conclusion to your life which could very well happen an hour from now or a decade or half-a-century. Nobody likes to think about it, cuz most of us are having a good time in our youth and can see no real reason to be worried about it. Take it as an opportunity to have communication with your husband and plan out things "just in case" and then you can forget all about it iagain, secure that the decisions are already made and that major decisions will not be coloured by the emotion of a situation later in life while you are under the stress of a major event like that.
@heaven11 (1159)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Your right Iam sure I will forget about it very quickly and I guess it will give me peace of mind knowing that I didnt leave somuch burden on my children and other family thanks