Do you live every day like it could be your last

@heaven11 (1159)
United States
October 14, 2008 10:29pm CST
I do my best to make every day be the best it can I spend most of it with my cildren and hubby I laugh I love I always make the best of the siutation I have Now I cant say I live it like it was my last but I do what I know I would do if I was told that today was my last day on this earth: I spend it with my family and I tell them each and every day how much I love them What about yall do you live everyday like it was your last
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7 responses
@donn_juan (325)
• Philippines
15 Oct 08
as much as i want to live everyday like my last, i always seem to forget!.
@heaven11 (1159)
• United States
15 Oct 08
I think that is the main thing just make sure your happy and you are making the people around you happy
@longbangod (1785)
• Philippines
15 Oct 08
Honestly I really dont live each day as if it is my last. And this really made me guilty. I do things not pleasant to His sight wherein I am sure that if He will take me I am sure I won't go with Him in Heaven. I think I need to restructure everything just to make the best of each day in my life. Though I am still making it good with my family. NOw is not yet late...
@heaven11 (1159)
• United States
15 Oct 08
your right it is never to late to make things right with god you just have to want to I wish you the best of luck
@katsmeow1213 (28717)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Sadly I spend my days wishing they could go by faster. Life is tough right now. I'm a stay at home mom of 5, and I'm not always happy in that role. Some days are better than others, but some days I just wish I could be a free woman. I love my family with all my heart, but I don't get enough breaks from them, so I usually feel rather overwhelmed by it. So I spend my days watching the clock waiting for hubby to get home. Then I spend my evenings relaxing with him, talking or watching TV. I wish I could have a more exciting life, and I know someday I will, or at least I'll be happier with my life. I do count my blessings, I don't want to sound like I'm complaining or anything.
@juhi06 (1850)
• India
15 Oct 08
no dear heaven11, i am not in a hurry to knock at the heaven`s door!! i have lot of plans for the coming days!! for me , my family, friends and all well wishers!! i have many good years more on this earth to spend!! and enjoy!! happy mylottting!!
@heaven11 (1159)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Thanks for responding
• Philippines
15 Oct 08
sometimes i think about that because we really have no idea when out time is gonna come. life's full of surprises so i guess it's safe to live your day like it's your last so when the day comes, you won't be having regrets that you were not able to do certain things because you weren't hoping that day to come too soon.=D
• India
15 Oct 08
No,I never do that. Then i'll not work for tomorrow.. So I just spend my day happily as much as I can but will never forget that I have to live my life tomorrow,the next day and so on.. Cheers
@heaven11 (1159)
• United States
15 Oct 08
You do make a very good point Ive never really thought of it that way
• Malaysia
15 Oct 08
i enjoy my live as much as i can. i don't like to have a sorrow life. we are born to be enjoy. but somehow we need to take in mind not to exceed the bondries. if i had any problem i will settle it as soon as possible cause i don't like to be in problem. but if i unable to solve the problem i will pretend to forget about it.