Anyone learnt to paint urself

October 15, 2008 1:31pm CST
Hi i wanna learn painting but i dont have the time to attend any art class. Can any one tell me how can i learn painting at home at low prices. Just basics about where to sketch, color codes, how to make a theme etc. help pls. I cant get out of y home. I am on wheel chair
5 responses
@rtutsky (11)
• United States
25 Nov 08
Hi arpitaman, I can reason with your dilema, ie; learning how to paint on a shoestring. I have been painting and drawing for over 30 years and earlier during that time I was self taught. I later went on to 4 years of college to learn the craft. Believe me, after going through all of that instruction, I found that you can paint to satisfy yourself and you can definitely do it on your own. If you have the feeling of wanting to become creative in the visual arts, I commend you, as there is no other endeavor that can bring a personal satisfaction than painting a subject that you are interested in. Just do it. Obtain the materials you need to produce a painting and go for it. One place you can visit online that can give you a wealth of information is Sign up there, you won't regret it. Artists only reside there and are willing to give out any information you are looking for and it won't cost you a dime... just sign up and enjoy the info. I hope this helps. Just another creative type... Robert p.s. If there is anything else I can help you with please let me know...
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I learned to paint by watching programs on public television. I actually do alot of Donna Dewberry's stroke. She shows you how to load your paint on your brush so you have the shadowing etc. I paint alot of old windows and sell them at craft sales...and have had much success....I know she also has dvd's out...and books etc with the instructions....It's so much fun!
@Beenice (237)
• Canada
28 May 09
When I started on my own the way I was doing it was strange, let say I was begin in only one corner of my paper and than expending on the rest of my sheet which makes the dimension of your work a bit out of proportions .
• India
26 Nov 08
I'm really not much into painting,can draw well to some extent. I feel it does not require classes and all.All these are just ways to relax ourselves. It shows are creativity. What u feel that will reflect in ur work. Perhaps the only thing I can do is to mix up all the colors and call it a modern art. Just go for what u feel like doing with the colors and brush. I'm sure u can create a master piece. One of my friend is really good at painting,will ask her all the details and get back to u. May GOD be with u always. Take care!! Cheers
@rummygus (32)
• United States
26 Nov 08
Practice, practice, practice. When you first start you won't be creating masterpieces. You don't need "fine art" materials (and their high prices) either. That's just a sales pitch. As time goes on you'll figure out what quality of supplies you need. You grow into it. Artist often do "studies". "Studies" aren't finished pieces but rather experiments and the literally studies whatever it is they are rendering. Another form of study is experimenting with the medium or the tools you use. What happens when you do this or that? No deep artistic expression of pent up frustrations against the esoteric dogma of society's injustices against belly-button scratching. Just, what happens if... ? As for low cost approaches to learning the basic techniques and theories your public library is a good place to start. As a kid I checked out all the art books I could get my hands on. Traveling to the library may be difficult for you so does your library offer a pickup and delivery service? Is there someone you know who could get library books for you?
@Beenice (237)
• Canada
28 May 09
You can buy some books that can guide you through all the steps. For homeschoolers there is all kinds of courses on how to draw, like with " Alpha Omega Publications", and " BJUpress" ( BobJones University) Whatever suit your fency. I had a private teacher near my house 24 years ago she was already with lots of experience on teaching art at the age of 84 she was. I enjoyed myself a lot learning with her.