What makes you happy at sad times

October 18, 2008 11:42pm CST
Everyone has happiness and sorrow in their life as they are part and parcel of our life. What should one do to make them and also others happy. Does happiness mean forgetting sorrow. Are u happy?or sad? Does meditations has something related to happiness?
4 responses
• India
19 Oct 08
well be happy and make others happy is my mantra... well sharing of happy moments only does not make you happy...sometimes sharing troubles of others and helping them out makes you more happy internally....meditation if done on regukar basis may give you peace of mind but not direct happiness....but that peace of mind really works in making you happy...so indirectly yes meditation can help a person to be happy....in mind is peaceful and happy then it is bound that the person and people around him are happy...:-) have a happy day take care happy my lotting
@tuyakiki (3016)
• India
19 Oct 08
By meditation one can feel relaxed. Its a good method. It feels good when somebody cheers me up with good humor and intelligence,specially when I am sad.
@patzel88 (3310)
• Philippines
19 Oct 08
everytime when i feel sad a thing makes me happy and that is my family, i divert my self not to remind my sad moments for it will help me to get out from sadness.
@Margarit (3676)
• Philippines
19 Oct 08
I guess being happy is a matter of choice you make. Even if you have a problem you can still be happy. Usually i do watch comedy films or hang out with friends that have sense of humor so i forgot my problem at the moment, it helps alteast to ease the pain or sad moment i have for a mean time. and also to focus more on the solution to a problem not the problem itself. In that way by choice i am a happy person. And i take my problem lightly. Ofcourse i depend on someone who is greater than me which is God. This is the best medicine i have. Check it if you like and make comment...Happy my lotting. http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1721420.aspx