Who is your best friend

October 19, 2008 6:00am CST
My best friends are innumerable ,I love all of my friends. Who is you best friend (it may be even your computer at times) i always hang around with my friends at any occasions . Which is the best place you and your friends visited. Tell me something interesting about your friend.When did you both met with each other. When did you friend become your enemy.
2 responses
@anneshirley (1516)
• Philippines
19 Oct 08
I only have one best friend and she is currently living in Canada now. I do have lots of friends though. For me, it is impossible to have many best friends that's why we call them best right?
@leicyn (96)
• Philippines
19 Oct 08
Well, i have a best friend in true meaning of friendship. i may not always spend most of my time with her but im pretty much sure that she's always listen to me, in my sad stories, share with my pain, joy . shre in anything. if we found time, we spend it in mall, sometimes in park or sometim spending cooking.Want to know who's my best friend? its my mom. and i'm proud to say that.