How many hours do you spend on cooking

October 19, 2008 6:12am CST
Are you cooking for your family.What makes your cooking special and different from others. Are your family members pleased with your cooking. At what age did you learn cooking. Which is your favourite food you have cooked. What is special about your kitchen
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7 responses
• Philippines
20 Oct 08
Yap I do cook for my family. I learn to cook during high school days but only the simple menu. Cooking rice, frying fish and egg. Because we are use that our father will cook lunch for we are busy at school. When I enter college I love to cook desserts. When I marry totally I learn a lot from my husband preparing different kinds of dishes. Before of course my husband is not please but now I always do the cooking at home. The favorite food I usually cook are beef stew,chicken curry, sinigang, pochero etc.
• India
20 Oct 08
I spend about two hours in the kitchen and maybe a little less or more depending on what I decide to do for the day. I cook for my family, learnt cooking at the age of 22. What makes my cooking special? I like to add some new dish once while so that the interest is maintained. My family loves it. I especially like the recipes and videos at for their innovative fresh feeling.
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
19 Oct 08
Me and my wife alternates in cooking our meals everyday. My cooking skills aren't that good yet but I can say that I somehow got a passion for food so I'll eventually master it. My wife cooks better than me. To tell you the truth, I just learned to cook a few months ago and I'm already 27 years old. I like to cook fried dishes and grilled ones. Sometimes I cook stew but not as good as my wife's cooking.
• Philippines
19 Oct 08
I love cooking for my family especially if they appreciate the food I cook. I learned cooking when I was still 10 years of age and the first I was able to cook which my grandmother thought me was "lugaw" or congee. I still remember that I was still on tertiary that time. Then she taught me to cook string beans and so and so. When I'm home I stay most of the time at the kitchen, it makes me relaxed and happy cooking or baking for my family. There's nothing special about my kitchen except all love and caring where express through the food we serves during meal. If I have a lot of extra money, I will have my kitchen upgraded.
@zalilame (880)
• Malaysia
20 Oct 08
Yeas I do cook for my family all week and I'll cook special dish on Sunday. My husband doesn't like take out food so we eat at home or have a picnic on Sunday. I'll like it day way. But I don't spend more than 2 hours in the kitchen because sometimes I have work load brought back home. I just cook basic dish like rice with chicken or meat dish and some vegetables. For dessert we prefer fresh fruits or jelly.
@Khushi309 (139)
• India
19 Oct 08
i don't cook too often, but whenever i do, my family loves it. i love to experiment in the kitchen and love to come up with new and yummy dishes. i love my food spicy... but sometimes my family has a problem with this because they say that too much spicy is not good for you, and i agree, but i love it too much to give up. my fav food is pizza, pasta, lasagna, rice and curry, etc, but except for rice and curry, most of these foods taste better if eaten at a restaurant. i dont like homemade pizza too much... do you? happy myLotting
@praveenjena (1304)
• India
19 Oct 08
hello summer starts, well in my family i am not the one who cooks its my mom who does that job. but at times when there is a family outing and i am left behind then i prefer to buy and eat food but sometimes when i do not go out to buy food then i do take the chance of cooking. i am not a good cook though ... but my food are not that bad either. i take pretty much time in cooking small dishes. ( who would like to say that his cooked food is bad.) well have a good day and happy mylotting!