I would like you to help me with my responses

@ellie333 (21016)
October 19, 2008 12:21pm CST
Someone gave me this idea the other day, as I am behind on discussions and have so many friends I can't seem to catch up with all their discussions so what I intend to do is to answer every discussion for just one person each day as well as answering others that I can in a day, so to start with I will work with the first response persons discussions today and if time move to the next person and go through that way as I can't do it alphabetically. Do you guys have an easier way for me to be able to do this to make it fair on everybody? Please, any suggestions welcome, however bizzare. Huggles. Ellie :D
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35 responses
19 Oct 08
Hi Ellie I would also love to respond to everyone's discussions each day, but there is no way I would have time to do that - after all, I do have my businesses to run too - lol. What I do is just to respond to discussions which trigger a response in me. You know, just the ones that I feel I have something interesting or of value to add. Hope this helps you. Violetdreams
@ellie333 (21016)
19 Oct 08
Hi Violetdreams, yes in fact this does help a lot. We are all very busy people, I hope your expansion of the business is going well, it is not for me but did look into it. I forgot to mention that another of my businesses I had was a speedating agency and that was hilarious, I even met a guy myself through it and we dated for about four months but I had a partner and she bless loved he solcialising bit but was prepared to do all the groundwork which was left to me and not that finacially viable even though on a good night we made £400 plus and I negotiated free venues as we were bringing people into their establishments. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
19 Oct 08
i just made it easier on myself and deleted most of my friends list
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
19 Oct 08
;giggles; it did the trick to keep me beter organized and not have my email jammed everyday
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
19 Oct 08
awww dawg.. ya didnt talk to me for ages.. the constant reminder of being ignored was just toooo much to bear!! ;cries;
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@Humbug25 (12540)
19 Oct 08
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@kaleegirl45 (1515)
• United States
19 Oct 08
Ellie, If you have three or four responses to one of you discussion write one to all of them, put it to eveyone's attention. this way you answer one responses to all. Instead of write three dfferent ones. hope this helps
@ellie333 (21016)
19 Oct 08
Hi Kaleegirl, It isn't my responses from my discussions I always make sure I answer each individually how ever long it takes but the new discussions from friends for me to answer, there are so many and I don't like to neglect anyone but some do start an amazing amount of discussions in a day and I just can't get round to them all. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
19 Oct 08
How many outstanding responses have you got Ellie? I'd answer some for you but I suspect that's cheating. LOL. Don't bother answering mine, but just drop me an E mail occasionally reminding me that you're still around or I'll wonder if you've left us!
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@ellie333 (21016)
19 Oct 08
Hi P1kef1sh, 951 and my inbox only holds a 1000 and I have already had to delete a lot to make space which is why I need to work out a fair system. I will answer yours darling, you were one of my very first friends here and there is no way I would intentially neglect any of your discussions. So it will be yours for today as first response too. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
19 Oct 08
That is a lot! Does that mean that I have to post a discussion now? Oh blimey......... LOL. XX
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@ellie333 (21016)
19 Oct 08
This is proving harder than I thought as I have just been into your discussions started and now I can't remember whether I have answered them or not and you have so many responses to go through. I think I may have to come up with a different method eh! Will try my best to work through though LOL. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Oct 08
ellie333 hi I am in the same boat,and I feel so bad as I know mylot friends deserve to be replied to as they were so sweet to send responses to my discussions, I sometimes just do one page each day in order to at least half way catch up.or am Iaddressing the wrong thing here? I spend most of my time responding to all my friends discussions and thus get behind on my own discussions
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Oct 08
ellie dont feel bad,we all understand, we all get in time crunches and I also, am packing part time and mylotting as much as possible too. I get so caught up in resp;onding to my friends that I sometimes forget to reply to responses on my own discussions. I think we all sort of give our friends leeway too as we all get busy most days.
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@ellie333 (21016)
21 Oct 08
Hi Hatley, So pleased you understand, but being busy with the packing for the move I guess you are busy yourself so can really relate to not being able to respond quite so quickly to discussions. Hope things are going well. Huggles. Ellie :D
@Humbug25 (12540)
19 Oct 08
Hi there ellie333 I too have been getting behind on responding to my friends discussions and commenting to responses I got from my own discussions and also answering to comments people made to my responses. What I did one day was made a seperate file for responses and comments, then I responded to all the discussions from my friends and when done went back and did all the responses in one go followed by the comments. Sometimes you don't need to make any further comments to others comments if you get what I mean. I then figured that that was being a bit lazy and have been answering each email that comes in, and that seems to have been the best way for me. Sorry I am of no more help than that, bit useless really aren't I?
@ellie333 (21016)
21 Oct 08
Hi Humbug, my problem is the spacec in the inbox, it can only hold a 1000 and it is 921 at this present moment and I can't work my way through them quick enough to respond. No doubt it will all sort somehow, your method sounds pretty organised, don't know how to do mine like that, complete computer novice me LOL. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
21 Oct 08
Hi Humbug, I have got a section where I can make a folder but can only put in individually and that can take just as long as answering the discussion. I am sure there is an easier way, I am working from an AOL toolbar and have firefox but haven't got how to work that as I don't like the aol in box on that one. I will get one of my daughters to help me next time they are home I think, I am just such a novice when it comes to any thing to do with a computer. I accidentally pressed a wrong button once which I think automatically done this, I had all the emails from one comp0any altogether and all the myLot altogether that were alphabetical too but I really don't know what button I managed to press that day LOL, wish I could find it again. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
21 Oct 08
I am down to 438 now as I had to delete a load as son should be back at school tomorrow which means as he was sick I was off work too looking after him so I will be back at work and it fills quite quickly. I'll try the control button and see if that works. I can only tick through firefox not the aol one I use for some reason. Will try and be back in a mo. Yes I am on Scorpis site but doubt I'll have much time to play there often. Huggles. Ellie :D
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
20 Oct 08
Hi ellie Even I am slogging , need to catch up a lot with friends. It feels so incomplete not to have those responded. What I will do is to concentrate on one friend on one day. Like Monday is X's day, Tuesday is Y's day....and like that. I think that would make things easier. In between I would go to FRIENDS STARTED tab and do justice to as many as I can. Good luck! Huggles...
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
20 Oct 08
hahaha....... Indeed we are! Let's see who does it faster....
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@ellie333 (21016)
20 Oct 08
Hi Mimipi, I think I may have to start doing something similar as yet again this morning my inbox was full so I don't know how many emails I haven't received either. We are both playing catch up then. Huggles. Ellie :D
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
20 Oct 08
If they are in your email, can't you just open each email and follow it to the discussion and answer it and then move to the other one. I don't get email notifications as I didn't want it to jam my email box. I wish you the best of luck and don't feel bad if you don't get all of them answered. I believe that most of us understand that you can't always answer all discussions that our friends start on here. I know I don't always know about a subject and so I can't answer it.
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@ellie333 (21016)
20 Oct 08
Hi Carol, This is what I usually do but at present my inbox will only hold a 1000 emails and it is at 906 at present as I had to delete about a 100 to make some space. I may try to turn notifications off for a while whilst I play catch up eh! Hi Ananth, a big warm welcome to myLot, have fun hear, keep posting, keep responding and make lots of wonderful friends. Ellie :D
• India
20 Oct 08
Many of the people are cheating us like the fake emails. Simply they will tell that u will be getting huge money. So, to get your money u have to send the postal or courier charges around some dollers. So, it is not worthy and You have to delete the messages immediately. That will be the better for your system also. I suggest you to dont open that of mails. Thank you. This is ananth from India.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
20 Oct 08
Hi, ellie333. I stay perpetually behind on this front myself. I wish I had a great solution to it for us both. I think it is wonderful that you care this much about it and about your friends. At the end of the day, that is what really matters. Do what you can and do it with heart.... it all works out in the end.
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
22 Oct 08
posh, indeed.
@ellie333 (21016)
21 Oct 08
Hi Makingpots, Wise words from you also and I am pleased to hear that I am not the only one falling behind. I will just relax back and answer as many as I can without beating myself up about it I think as there are some that just pop in from time to time so they surely couldn't answer to all so I guess friends do understand this. I tried this system I had thought of but that didn't seem to work either. Huggles. Ellie :D
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
22 Oct 08
Hi dear my simple way is to have notification On and when ever i get notifications, my pririty is to reply to REsponses i get. then i go for discussions my friends started. If i left with time then might think to start one This is my way, if u went to reply one person a day, then i am afraid u will miss all others. The other thing i do, if i am late in replyuing, i delete discussoon started 10 days b4 Take care
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
27 Oct 08
LOL u r right take ur time Bye
@ellie333 (21016)
24 Oct 08
Hi Cupid, I am taking a bit of a break right now and just catching up on my unresolved and responding and then I will come back refreshed as if day one to that days discussions and go from there I think. LOL, I answered one of yours once that was a year old if I remmeber correctly. Huggles. Ellie :D
@littleowl (7157)
19 Oct 08
Hi Ellie, being honest I wish I had a way of keeping up with discussions sometimes rather than answer the ones that have just come in I go backe to previous ones and answer as many as I can of those then start on recent discussions...but even then more come in..the one way I have thought of to make it fair is to turn some notifications off for a week or so then swap them turn theirs back on and turn others off..to me that may be the easiest way of doing it...Huggles littleowl
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@ellie333 (21016)
21 Oct 08
Hi Littleowl, No it was me Ellie you were responding to its just that Mands liked your idea and managed to respond before I did, as you know from this discussion I am a bit behind LOL. Great idea though but looking at my page one I think perhaps I should delte as nearly all inactive anyway. Huggles. Ellie :D
@littleowl (7157)
20 Oct 08
Hi mands...am sorry I called you ellie in my response littleowl
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19 Oct 08
oh thats a good idea page 1 this week and 2 next week thats quite fair good thinkin batman
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
19 Oct 08
I don't have any suggestions to make it easier. I will tell you that it will be very time consuming, at least until you can get caught up with all of them. It took me 5 days to get me through one of my discussions that had 40 responses. It is quite fun though. You do learn a lot. Have fun
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@ellie333 (21016)
19 Oct 08
Hi Dizzblnd, I know for a fact that there are some of yours I haven't responded to but I think they were to do with your elections if I recall and I haven't a clue there so forgive me. 5 days, wow, perhaps I ought to think up another way eh! LOL. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
19 Oct 08
You are so right, I truly love myLot as a single parent I don;t get out in the evenings much so this is my social life and I have met so many wonderful friends. It is just that I have some people of my friends list who have never ever answered any of mine but I do theirs sometimes but my loyal friends who do I feel a bit bad about missing some, especially with time I could give some really indepth positive input into but with so many quality people on this site with quality discussions I guess we are bound to miss a few eh! Huggles. Ellie :D
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
19 Oct 08
hey... don't ever worry about me.. like one your other friends had said, you are a great person and no one should expect anyone to answer all of their discussions. Sometimes, as you have found, you can't relate to all of them. Your real friends understand, so don't worry about it too much. No sense in stressing yourself out, then you begin to despise something you truly love.
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@sweety_81 (2124)
• India
20 Oct 08
Hi, While I also try to respond to my Friends' Discussions as far as possible ; I do not follow a fixed pattern. I think the best option for you would be to take part mainly in discussions which have something of interest to you . Also ,sometimes mail your Friends your started discussions' Link and that may let some of your Friends to regularly respond to your discussions . Regards Sweety_81
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@ellie333 (21016)
20 Oct 08
Hi Sweety, This isn't usually a problem as I do manage to keep up but my inbox will only hold 1000 emails and I have had to delete lots of discussions to free up some space but I have still got about 900. I think most people are understanding so yes I will answer ones I can immediately and give a good response to rather than to speed through and not give the discussions the time and input they deserve. Hi Ananth, yes friendship is definitely precious and very much a two way thing I agree. Ellie :D
• India
20 Oct 08
Hello sweety, I am ananth from India. and i like to tell you something that replying is very much important by the way we can accept their friendship and give respect to them also.
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• United States
19 Oct 08
What I tend to do when I get a lot of responses to a discussion is ... Delete all but one from that discussion from my in box. So that one is there to remind me to go to that discussion when I have more time.. I do this for every discussion,, Then when I do to comment to others in that discussion; I just try to go straight down the page in order. I always hit either the (+) or the (-).. So I know that I have read it, and have committed.. if I am going to or if I know that I want to leave it blank because I have no response. Then I go back and delete it form my mail. This way helps me to go faster. I hope that it helps
@ellie333 (21016)
19 Oct 08
Hi Louise, I think I may have worded this discussion incorrectly as you are the third person that has answered re responses to my discussions. I always respond to each individual and do like you do just keep one response on email to remind me to respond but I am meaning discussions from friends I receive in email that I just can't keep up with. P1key was first to respond so have responded to a few I have missed and then Nat will be next but I was just wondering if there was an easier way. Thank you for your input I appreciate it. I know for a fact I have a few of yours to catch up on, like I missed a few before your sons wedding but have managed most to respond to since then, I hope (fingers crossed) LOL Huggles. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
19 Oct 08
Easier said than done as inbox only holds 1000 and I have 955 notifications at present. This is why I asked for help LOL. Huggles, Ellie :D
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• United States
19 Oct 08
OH!!! Then in that case I would suggest that you go through them according to the date that they were received that seems fair to me. First in, First out!
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
22 Oct 08
I was basically gone for one month, being able to answer maybe one discussion per week or so. I am far behind responding to all of my friends. Some of them may delete me from friends list, it is OK. I am not going back, I can only respond to recent discussions and only few per day. You don't have to respond to all discussions started by your friends. At least I don't expect all of my friends to respond to all of my discussions. Make it fair? hard to do, impossible to be fair if you have limited time. After all, friends will understand.
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@ellie333 (21016)
24 Oct 08
Hi Polachicago, Well if you have been away for a month I really appreciate you responding to this discussion. I am taking time out at the moment other than to respond to responses I have recieved and to mark all unresolved and will start again refreshed in a few days. Thank you, what you say is so true, friends will understand. Good to see you back. Huggles. Ellie :D
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
20 Oct 08
I have the same problem that you have. I am behind a lot of responses. I have around 600 awaiting to give my feedback. I think I will start alphabetically. Then I ll see how it goes. I will be watching your thread for any suggestions. © ronaldinu 2008
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@ellie333 (21016)
24 Oct 08
Hi Ronaldino, I have turned notifications off for a while so I can catch up and taking some time out and will come back refreshed and uptodate from when I start back again as overwhelmed by it all really. I don't start as many discussions as you do so I can imagine the ask you have ahead. Huggles. Ellie :D
21 Oct 08
Since I have started my second job I have become behind on discussions/replying but I have altered my notifications for certain friends so I know when they have started a discussion and reply via email. It works for me, I answer a couple when i get in and tackle the rest on my day off. I have come across someone who said they answered discussions alphabetically but if I did that I would lose track of what letter I was on and by the time you got to respond to some discussions it could be months after it was started. Maybe invent a computer that will auto respond for you ha ha!! That would be good!!
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@ellie333 (21016)
24 Oct 08
Hi Cinderella, LOL Auto respond, it just wouldn't be they same eh! I am taking a bit of time out to respond and sort unresolved and will start again refreshed answering discussions when I can. I like you have so many extra committments away from the Lot right now but my friends here are important to me too so don't want to upset them by not responding to their discussions, but I guess you understand that eh! Short Term Memory, affects us all, forget which letter, what are you like LOL. Huggles. Ellie :D
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
19 Oct 08
Hi there ellie, i think it's a swell idea as i often do so, i go to my friends profiles and check most of their profile for interesting discussions that i did not previously responded and try to answer them. I don't know a better way, but all i can do is wish you good luck on your ongoing quest !
@ellie333 (21016)
21 Oct 08
Hi Elitess, That is brilliant that you managed to answer at least one from every single friend, well done. Thanks for letting me know that, I am actually strugling with it as I can't remember which ones I have responded to and which I haven't so I am going back to really old ones of theirs from before I was here LOL so that should resurface a few old discussions from the archives LOL. Huggles. Ellie :D
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
20 Oct 08
Hi again ellie, just wanted to tell you that i managed it... i went through the six pages of friends and responded at least one discussion to all of my friends. I am expecting some nice income tomorrow from today activity
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@avidwhit (1492)
• Mexico
20 Oct 08
What ever moves you! lol hehehe :)
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@ellie333 (21016)
21 Oct 08
Hi David, I have just decided now to chill and just answer as many as I can. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@avidwhit (1492)
• Mexico
22 Oct 08
Hola Ellie Sounds like a good plan! I am was always amazezed wondered how you maintain such consistant posts responses and replies! I know you can type and that helps for sure but its not all. Do you Halloween in the UK do the kids trick or treat? Hasta David :)
@Munchkin547 (2778)
22 Oct 08
I have this problem too ellie! it's not too bad when i'm off uni or work but normally there just isn't enough hours in the day! i worry that people will get mad with me for not responding to their discussion, or responding really late! i think generally people understand though that there is life outside of mylot and that it's not always possible to spend hours online!! i think you should just pick a system that works for you and stick to it! you could try just responding to the ones that you find really interesting rather than tryng to respond to all of your friends discussions. xxx
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@ellie333 (21016)
24 Oct 08
Hi Munchkin, Glad you undersand, I guess we probably worry too much eh, friends are friends and understand that some have more time than others to respond to discussions. I'm taking a bit of time out and just responding to responses and resolving unresolved and then I will come back refreshed as if day one and then I will be able to answer most then that way. Huggles. Ellie :D