The Best Time to Blog

United States
October 19, 2008 6:59pm CST
When is the best time to make a blog post so that you can maximize your readership for any given day? Of course this would depend on the people and country that you are targeting. I am currently running in Eastern Standard Time, and am targeting mainly United States readers with my blog. Therefore, the best time for me to post is very early in the morning so that my post will show up in my my subscribers readers by the time they get up in the morning and do their routine morning e-mail and internet check. What do you think is the best time to make blog posts to optimize readership potential?
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8 responses
@lankapo (44)
• Malaysia
20 Oct 08
hi blogitout, I agree with the first response from unusualsuspect, it doesn't matter. If your content is shallow and too simple people still wont read it. So we better concentrate on our content. Anyway, I prefer to search for content and idea early in the morning. Then i will draft my content online. When I go the office, i will type and prepare my entry using PC. I prefer to type using my PC keyboard as it is comfortable and easy to type. word of wisdom "content is king" lankapo
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@dio123 (1788)
• India
27 Oct 08
yes this it question comes to my mind also that when to blog to get better and more response as it is all depends on various countries and timings
@hcromer (2710)
• United States
20 Oct 08
I think that if you are posting on a daily basis that it won't really matter what time that you post. The main couple of blogs that I read aren't even updated every day necessarily, but I still check 3-4 times per day. I think that if you want an ideal time to blog it probably would be either early morning or you could do it late at night the night before so it would be available to your readers in the morning.
• Philippines
20 Oct 08
I never think of that but you have a point there about early morning blogging it is like the early bird catches the worm and it is true in your analysis . So i better do my blogging in the morning to be seen by many . hey thanks
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
20 Oct 08
The time doesn't really matter so much because even if you're writing at 6pm, it's 6am in some places! One thing that may be helpful is to use a 'pinging' service after you post. From what I understand (and I may be a little off) it alerts different feeds and search engines that your blog has been updated and makes your new information available to feeds and searches. It's something to try and Blogexplosion was a 'Ping my Blog' feature that is quite handy.
• China
20 Oct 08
Hey,blogitout,nice to meet you! I have a blog but it is not popular.It just like only for myself.My blog'target is just for my country,it is diffcult for me to write blog with other languages,even using english.
• United States
20 Oct 08
I don't think it matters. People all over the world read blog posts and they're going to be reading at very different times. Also, more and more people use RSS readers, so they will get notified of new posts, and then will read whenever they have the time. I've written posts that didn't get much traffic for a couple of days. Good posts will get readers long after they've been written. Better to spend your time thinking about writing to attract readers; it will get you further in the long run.
• Philippines
20 Oct 08
time of the day is not really a big factor on your blogging. as long as your blog is really interesting for others to check on it... they must learn something from them... make it interactive too. (check my website on my profile) for free interactive widgets and gadgets for blogs... really interesting...