Prayer of Jabez

United States
November 7, 2006 1:23am CST
1 Chronicle 4:9-10 When Jabez asked God to "keep me from evil," I can not determine specifically if Jabez wanted to "not cause pain" or if he wanted to not cause himself personal pain. One version of the text, recorded, "so that it [evil] may not grieve me!" Could it be that Jabez did not want to cause any pain at all and the quote, "so that it may not grieve me!" was just an elaboration of him not wanting to be associated with causing pain and any results or consequences that causing pain may have directly on his life's ministry or obedience to God?
1 response
• Philippines
7 Nov 06
Jabez mother gave him that name 'Jabez' since He was born out'a pain jabez means 'pain'. Jabez' prayer was requesting God that as much as possible not to allow circumstances that would lead Him to cause pain or that would cause Him pain since he might have enough of it, he is sick of it...Even me personally I would ask God the same payer since we know how it is to injure tough times how much more if your name is like jabez people would keep calling or teasing you you pain! pain! hey pain hows your day? i would surely cause a trouble not just pain.hehehe
• United States
15 Nov 06
Thanks for your response.