Being a woman -Is it a crime ?

October 21, 2008 8:45am CST
Hi freinds. Sometimes when i look around i feel that being born as a woman i commited a crime.Though everyone says that today woman have the freedom and all but i feel that the scenario has not really changed.Time changed peoPle changed but the thought has still not canged.Even today some of our educated ladies are subjected to mental trauma by her husband or in-laws but if she dares to speak up,she is blamed ,her character questioned.Why this difference still now.Some men think that women are born only to be their slave and not more than that.What do you feel?Do give your opinions. Till then bye.
2 responses
• United States
21 Oct 08
I think women are still sometimes considered inferior. In the US I think many times when a women is not treated as equal it has to do with her own self worth. In other countries I feel it is the culture and even though I do not agree with the way women are treated they have been doing things the same way for generations and can see how women would feel like they have committed a crime.
• India
21 Oct 08
I feel what your telling is right. But there are people around who respect woman. But I feel still there are so many other kind of people who thinks that women are just born to be their slave and to satisfy them whenever they are in need. But till now I have not met anybody as such in my life but I have heard a lot about it. Even in this century there are such kind of people. But I think its the only we which can change everything. Instead of being quiet we have to speak out our problems let them tell whatever they want. You should not bother about anybody.