Fashion; What's the use of it?

@slot100 (546)
October 23, 2008 5:50pm CST
Just wondering about this one..What is the use of those fashion shows and stuff?? I don't understand it anymore.. I just watched for a couple of minutes one, and you see very weird and extraordinary clothes that really NOBODY would ever wear, so really total useless.. As well I never see anything like those clothes hanging in shops..Even not in the really expensive ones..Those shows and designing cost as well very much money, and they make alot with it, though most of it won't even be showing in stores for the normal public! Don't you agree? Anyway..this doesn't count for all the clothes, but maybe 30% of it..! I really think it's just a way for the more whealthy people to have fun and buy useless things, which they maybe wear once, and then goes in the closet, though they could spend tons on it! So my opinion about it's only for the rich people, who just want a unique thing to have..what do you think? Please comment..! (And YES, I'm back! )
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
23 Oct 08
I agree and even if I were rich, I doubt very much I would wear any of those outfits..So that being said, I have no idea how these shows keep going..