Egg donation? Would you do it?

United States
November 1, 2008 10:56am CST
Has anyone out there ever thought or ever donated there eggs? I seen a news cast that said donation of eggs and sperm is in demaned. They said that for egg donations a women could make $10,000.00 and can donate ever 3 months. And men could donate every couple of weeks to make about $200.00 a month. Would you ever concider to earn extra money in donating? As for me, I gave it some thought but I am no old.LOL Most want wemen in there 20's. But, I would have to say, if I had of known about this when I was in my 20's at least I would have been able to go to collage and not have the bill on my head that I do....So yes, I think if I was the right age, I would have concidered donating eggs.
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5 responses
@cak718 (18)
• United States
2 Nov 08
I wouldn't donate my eggs. I think I would have a hard time giving up a baby that was part of me. On the other hand, I have seriously considered being a surrogate mother. It's a good way to make extra money, but that isn't the main reason I would like to do it. I think it would be a very rewarding experience, and would love to try it at least once :)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I think donating eggs would be easyer then being a surogate mother. Once you feel that new little live move inside you, there is a bond that begains. and giving birth and handing that little baby over...I could never do that.
@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
2 Nov 08
I thought about this and I think that I could do it. Not for $10,000 though. It would be much more. I am putting part of me out there. It sounds selfish, but I am sure once I thought about them taking my eggs and had they gotten pregnant yet, and how many more are out there--I would probably need to see a psychiatrist. I am done bearing children now and have had my tubes burned and tied, but I found out that if I ever wanted to get pregnant again, I would have to do invitro. The catch to that is, most women get 10 taken out, fertilized and then put into the womb. I am very fertile and my doctor said that she could only do two at a time because my chances of getting pregnant are so great. After 4 kids, I am definatly done!
@Emma30587 (402)
1 Nov 08
Hey. Thats a good disscussion! Im a woman of 21 and I have to say I really dont think I could do it. I couldnt stand the thought of my child being out there and me never knowning. Its the same with surrogacy, I could never do it. The only was I could be a surrogate is if it was another womans egg, but even then I think I would only be able to do it for someone close to me like my sister. I really admire these woman that can give up there eggs and be a surrogate though. I think at the end of the day, I must be too materinal to do it!!!!
• Australia
1 Nov 08
it is not something I have ever given much thought to but no I would not donate eggs for one I am to old now and back then I am not sure if getting the egg is as easy to retrive from a women as it is now hense I guess the huge payment. cheers.
@oderog (731)
• Kenya
1 Nov 08
I would donate and I do not see any problem with this, remember millions of eggs and sperm get wasting if you can donate eggs or sperm rather than waste why not give to those who are unfortunate to not have these eggs.