driving license

@tanpan (34)
United States
November 1, 2008 7:27pm CST
so how did u feel when u first got ur driving license?
5 responses
@sankata (236)
• Estonia
2 Nov 08
I don't have driving license right now, but I'm beginning to make them in November. I want to have them already, then it would be easier to move sometimes when it's just not so comfortable with the bus.
@tanpan (34)
• United States
2 Nov 08
oh yea..i understand the everyday hassle of that. i was pretty excited when i got mine. i drove my car for hours to nowhere just to enjoy the feeling of freedom. where u from by the way if u dont mind me asking?
@Metalchick (1391)
2 Nov 08
Was absolutely over the moon when I passed my driving test. It had taken me two failed attempts so when I passed on my third try I was jumping for joy. Remember my face was hurting where I was grinning so much...it was such a weight off my mind knowing I can now get in a car and go where I want...when I want. Feel so free now and there's nothing better than getting in a car; going for drive in good weather with window down and a good driving song playing on the radio. Learning to drive and eventually passing was one of the best things I ever did.
@tanpan (34)
• United States
2 Nov 08
haha ya i felt the same..although our driving test here in US is in my opinion fairly easy compared to UK. i passed in first attempt :D and it wasnt even long drive..jus around few corners and the instructor said ok ur good to go.
2 Nov 08
Really? wow. In england we have to do theory test, hazard awareness simulator test and practical driving test which is about 40minute drive...hated learning to drive but love driving.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I got my drivers license when I was seventeen so I have been driving for like six years now,and I remember when I went to get my license I was nervous,and the first time I took the test I failed because the instructor failed me for going one mile over the speed limit which is stupid if you ask me,and I was tempted to kick his butt out of the car,but I did not,and the next day I went back,and I got my license,I remember how good it felt to have my license,and know that I could drive myself,and not have to worry about my mother or father taking me places,it also gave me a sense of freedom,and a sense of responsibility because I knew I had to watch out for myself,and other motorists on the road because some people do not always follow the rules and laws of the road.
@daceyp (327)
18 Nov 08
a sense of relieve to have finaly done it.it took 4 tries at my test.its also the sense of freedom it gave me because i dont have to ask for lifts any where anymore
• India
4 Nov 08
i feel so happy bcos i got it in 3rd time