Is cataact eye surgey dangerous?

@nilugo (348)
November 1, 2008 11:35pm CST
Hi, my father is quite old and has deteriorating eye sight. He had gone to a doctor last week and the docto had said that its better if a cataract eye surgery is done. Apparently, cataract is when an opaque spot is there on the lens of the eye, which result in the patient not seeing through the lens. Blrred vision, c;oudiness in the eye, requiring more light to read etc are symptoms. I am a bit worried due to my fathers age -is it wise for him to do this surgery? Is Cataract surgery dangerous? Do you know anything about cataract surgery - if so, can you please tell me? Thanks.
3 responses
@ladysakurax (1161)
• Canada
2 Nov 08
You should not worry. My grandmother did this surgery. Everything was positive. After the surgery, she had an eye patch and the doctor gave her recommandation of what she should avoid drink or eat to not affect the eye on the first week. She also had to avoid the sunlight for a couple of days since the eye is still fresh from he surgery. I think the operation lasted for an hour or 2. it's not dangerous at all...well it depends what is your country. here in Canada, it's all clean and doctors are professionals. So if you live where techonology is updated alot, go for it.
• Canada
2 Nov 08
oh yes of course. after the operation u can go home. but it's better if someone can give a ride to your father since the quality of his vision would be temporary reduced.
@nilugo (348)
• Singapore
2 Nov 08
Thanks Ladysakurax. I guess then the patient can be discharged from the hospital the same day as the operation. Thats good.
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
2 Nov 08
My grandmother has had this surgery as well as my father. It is not harmful and is very beneficial. Also, it would depend on your father's health. I would also consult with his regular doctor to assure that it is safe for him to have the surgery. My grandmother was 78 and my father was 52 when they had their surgeries. My grandmother had several different health problems that included diabetes and being on a blood thinner. All the necessary precautions were taken. The doctors worked together to assure her health and safety. That is what you should assure in your father's case. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
@nilugo (348)
• Singapore
2 Nov 08
Thanks Shellyann. I will let you know. I was telling my fathre it would be better if we can get a second opinion from our GP as well. So we will decide after the consultation with the GP. May father is also a mild diabetic.
@hitejam89 (523)
• India
2 Nov 08
hi nilugo cataract surgery isnt dangerous. my grandmother had it in her left eyes. she is 80+. its better to do the surgey when its in early stage it will decrease the risk of losing eyes sight. but you dont have to worry, techonology has develop so much. my grandmother was discharged within 2 days.
@nilugo (348)
• Singapore
2 Nov 08
Thanks so much for yr response, hitejam.