Do you such a feel?

@wangkai (797)
November 5, 2008 3:28am CST
Hello every one on the mylot.i have left mylot for about teo weeks because of some other i go hometown of mylot once again.i feel that mylot is so strange for me.i do not know how do i begin on the mylot.i am surprise why i have such a feel.have you met this you have such a feeling.please give me some advice and comfort.i like mylot.i want to do the best on the mylot.good lucky to you.happy mylot.
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4 responses
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
5 Nov 08
Hi wangkai welcome back! Hope you have a nice time. Trust me. even I feel at loss when I come back after a break. So, the best thing is to take one friend per day and respond to his/her discussions. Then take another friends and resolve his/her. This works for me. You can also try.
@wangkai (797)
• China
6 Nov 08
thanks.surely.but i do not know how to do.please tell me of it.
• Australia
5 Nov 08
Hello, Welcome back to mylot. :) I feel normal to mylot, I guess you just feel it's a bit weird cause you haven't been on here for about 2 weeks. I'm sure it will feel normal soon, happy mylotting. :)
@wangkai (797)
• China
5 Nov 08
thank you for you concern.
• United States
7 Nov 08
yeah after you have been gone for a few days its like you lose your rhythm with it. but i see that you are posting more so i am thinking you figured it out
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
5 Nov 08
Hi, I'm sure you will get back into it. I went on holiday for a couple of weeks and when I came back even my own blog felt weird. My routine was changed and it took a while to go back to the way things were before. I am sure you will be fine. Good luck!