i am back

@maroseqf (3657)
November 6, 2008 5:37am CST
After being gone for almost three days, I am glad to be back. I am so proud and happy being a new mother! The experience I had in the hospital was really memorable. Having my baby beside me made it such a wonderful experience.
4 people like this
22 responses
@caskins (689)
• United States
6 Nov 08
hello my fellow myLotter, congratulations. i am so happy for you. post a photo so i can see the precious baby. i love children. make sure you sleep when your baby sleep. boy or girl and what is the baby's name? how much did the baby weigh? lol. just want to know. happy posting!
@caskins (689)
• United States
10 Nov 08
awwwwww, 5 lbs isn't so bad. my first born was premature and only weighed 3 lbs and 9 oz. now she was small.
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
10 Nov 08
Actually, he is almost 6.2 pounds. Average weight, but I am still happy since he went out healthy. Anyway, it is easy for him to gain weight now.
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
7 Nov 08
Thanks! I will surely post the pictures as soon as I have uploaded it. I don't get enough sleep cause he always wakes up. anyway, he weighs 2.8 kgs. he's a small baby cause i had a diet so i won't have caesarian procedure.
@kaka135 (14918)
• Malaysia
17 Nov 08
Welcome back!! I can feel the joy that having a healthy baby boy with you now. I'm having a baby boy too, my expected delivery date will be next February, kinda excited to see my baby boy too. You get fully recovered after 3 days? That's pretty good. Take more care about yourself during this month. ^_^
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
17 Nov 08
Thanks! I think I've been used to having little rest that's why I recovered that easily. Goodluck to you!
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
8 Nov 08
Welcome back and I hope that you continue mylotting with great pleasure. Congratulations for your new baby. Happy motherhood! So this means more time for the baby and less time for mylot. But I am sure that these moments are really worth to treasure all your lifetime. © ronaldinu 2008
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
8 Nov 08
Thanks! I am really excited and happy. I hope I can still find time for mylot but my focus, ofcourse, will be my baby.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Congratulations marose! So, were you able to have a normal delivery, like you wanted?
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
10 Nov 08
Yes, I did and I am really thankful to God for that.
• United States
9 Nov 08
Congratulations Maroseqf! That is great news. I am very happy to hear everything went well. Good luck with your recovery and good luck to you and the baby and your new life together.
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
10 Nov 08
Thank you. Well, everything is getting better now.
@loriya (1)
• China
13 Nov 08
congratulantions to you !
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
13 Nov 08
@subha12 (18441)
• India
6 Nov 08
welcome back. also congrats for getting the baby. you can also add the picture of baby and share it with mylot friends. hope she is nice and fine
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
6 Nov 08
I havent' uploaded the pictures yet. But for sure, I will post them soon.
• Philippines
6 Nov 08
Hi there maroseqf! I would like to congratulate you for having a baby! You must be very happy about it. You and your husband are probably elated at this very moment. I would like to wish you all the best... you and your family. God Bless!
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
7 Nov 08
Thanks! It is such a wonderful feeling.
@gemini_rose (16264)
8 Nov 08
Oh congratulations, you had your baby then! I am really happy for you I hope that you have many more happy days with your little one.
@pehpot (4762)
• Philippines
6 Nov 08
you gave birth already? a big hugs and congratulation to you. I gave birth three times already and I know how happy it feels holding the baby the first time, and my feelings did not changed even so it was my second or third. I am really glad that you are back again here in mylot. Always take care of yourself and yuor baby.. if there are things that bothers you, don't hesitate to ask me, I would gladly help..
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
7 Nov 08
Thanks! i'll just ask you if i need any advice.
@gaisri (154)
• India
6 Nov 08
Dear friend.. Congratulations for the motherhood..Should be a wonderful feeling..What child are you blessed with..a boy or a girl? My heartiest wishes to you and blessing to the prince / princess..!! Take care
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
7 Nov 08
Thanks! He's a healthy baby boy! He's so adorable.
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
7 Nov 08
Hi maroseqf,welcome back....I am glad you made it..I told you all worries and all apprehensions will disappear once you hold your little bundle of joy in your arms...Any way my hearty congratulations to the new mom and dad......By the way,is it a boy or a girl? and whom does the baby resemble more?
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
7 Nov 08
He's a healthy baby boy. he looks more like his dad.
@mhey4u (12)
• Philippines
7 Nov 08
Hi!!! Well, I am dreamin' of being a mother to...hehehe...someday I love kids that's why but career frist:) Hmmmn, congrats for havin' a baby!!!
@mhey4u (12)
• Philippines
7 Nov 08
Hi!!! Well, I am dreamin' of being a mother too...someday! I love kids that's why...but career first:) Hmmmn, congrats for havin' a baby!
@wujinbo (341)
• China
6 Nov 08
you are in happy life to be a new mom.and a little life will be born .the world will be new.cheer up for yourself.to be a mom is a great thing . i am a man ,but i dont to be a dad.and i think to be a dad or a mom is a good exprience.around you is the kids sounds dad, dad..... mom, mom.....it is a good to hear that.i am very waiting the the moment to come.......
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
8 Nov 08
Yes, I am very happy. I think hearing him call me mom will take a little while.
• Philippines
7 Nov 08
Congratulations for your new baby. Have a good rest and take care of the baby as well.
@carmela0210 (1591)
• Philippines
8 Nov 08
congratulations!!that was really a great news!!was it a baby girl or boy??hehehe,hmmm...it really makes me excited though we are not close or the baby is not related to me,heheh, i really have this big fondness on babies!!enjoy being a mom!!happy lotting...
• Philippines
7 Nov 08
HI!cONGRATULATIONS.Good to hear that your back and okey.Cngratulations for your new baby.Is it a girl or a boy?I am wishing the best for your family especially the new baby.Godbless
@iamcdy (1119)
• Philippines
6 Nov 08
Congrats dear! Nice to have you back here in myLot. I am sure that you are very happy right now as well as your hubby. Take care of yourself and your new bundle of joy!
• Goa, India
6 Nov 08
congratulation on becoming a new mom. may you and your baby have good health. its good to have you back on mylot. happy mylooting
@pierone (1894)
• Italy
6 Nov 08
Hello!!!!! Congratulations, new mom! ;) Wellcome back home, now take your rest, and take care of that baby. Wish you both all the good things of the world. See you, mom! Happy Mylotting