What should be included in a New Mother's Survival Kit?

@KYEEDAH1 (139)
United States
November 7, 2008 10:45am CST
If there was a such thing, what would you create in this kit? I would of course have some basics like diapers, q-tips, wipes, etc. But there are so many other things. What are some of the basic essentials for a new mom?
5 responses
• United States
7 Nov 08
earplugs!!! LOL! No, just kidding. How about something for MOM to help her relax?
@KYEEDAH1 (139)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Oh i do love your response. That is funny! I have two little ones myself so believe me, i know!
• United States
7 Nov 08
Baby gowns are essential. Not matter if you have a boy or girl those little gowns with the draw string at the bottom are great. It makes those night time diaper changes easy and is great to keep baby from kicking little feet and legs out from under the cover. No snaps to wraestle with when your half asleep in the first place!
@tinkerick (1257)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Here's some suggestions (I'm a mom with 3 kids): - Baby care book - Vaseline - Baby Oil (not just for moisturizing skin, but many babies get a condition called "cradle cap" which is a crusty type buildup on top of their heads. Baby Oil really helps to soften and loosen it so you can comb or wash it off) - A&D ointment (zinc oxide ointment) This is a medicated ointment used to treat diaper rash - Hair and nail kit. Can be found for fairly cheap and includes a fine baby comb, soft hair brush, baby sized nail clippers and files. - Ice packs or hot/cold packs. Ice packs for traveling with cold bottles to be warmed later. Hot packs to keep a bottle warm for a little later on during the trip. (An insulated diaper bag or bottle bag is a great thing to have too! If you can't find one, look for an insulated lunch bag) - Thermos. To bring water with for bottles, or baby cereal. - Dishes with lids. There are baby dishes that have lids so you can put some dry cereal in them and just bring warm water with to prepare it later. - Stocked medicine cabinet: Baby decongestant, saline spray (used to help clear those tiny stuffy noses), medicine spoon, medicine syringe, nasal aspirator (the suction thingy), baby tylenol and baby ibuprofen. Personally, I stay away from the combo medicines like "Cold and Cough", "Cold plus Decongestant", etc. because alot of the time they have one symptom but not the other. I don't like giving them the unnecessary medicine. If they have a bunch of symptoms then I might buy a combo for that time, but generally I'd just give them each individual medicine. - My personal preference was also for the corn starch powder vs. talc It seems to prevent diaper rash better. P.S. The nasal aspirator has helped many a time not just with stuffy noses, but on occasions such as Cheerios up the nose, Nerds in the ear, etc. Hope this helps!
@KYEEDAH1 (139)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Girl, you are telling the truth with all of that!
• United States
7 Nov 08
Information on what kind of furniture is really necessary - like instead of a rocking chair, buy a rocking recliner - so when you are up at 2 am feeding and the baby goes to sleep in your arms, you can just stay where you are at, recline back and sleep! And a reminder - the days go by so fast, they will sleep through the night eventually, and that recliner will probably go with your furniture and growing family longer than the rocking chair!
@Shar1979 (2722)
• United States
8 Nov 08
Bibs, stroller, baby carrier, baby wipes, white baby cloth, blanket, feeding bottles, brush for the bottles, baby shampoo, baby towel, soft small pillow.
• United States
9 Nov 08
One of the best things I got was a battery operated digital thermometer for the ear. My daughter recently turned 8 and we just replaced the batteries for the first time ever. It is quick and easy to use and can be used on the whole famly. You also get the results in about 2 seconds. Another thing I got was a wipes warmer to heat up those cold baby wipes. Whoever thought of that was pretty smart.