The Wonderful game you never leave if you are a games lover..

Total Over Dose.. - The Wonderful game to play and enjoy ...
November 9, 2008 4:02am CST
Hi friends, Good after noon! I am a great fan of the game the Total Over Dose.The Toatal Over dose is a game which runs in alchohal software only.The graphics and the design of the game is very attractive and the background song is also very very nice and rocking like a pop/rock song.The levels and the targets are also much more interesting.If you are a game lover and if you play it once you never leave it untill you finish all the stages.It is Such a wonderful game to play and enjoy. But,Unfortunately I have lost this game from my Pc while formating and now i am in search of this game.I did not find this game with my friends and relatives too. And of course not in Internet also.So, my dear friends if you know where this game can be available to download for free please come out with the information.I will be thankful and the most happiest ever too..... Happy My Lotting..
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