have your computer ever been hit by virus

November 9, 2008 6:21am CST
now my system is infected with virus and it is really frustrating as it would cause me to lose my internet connection and sound. i need to reboot my system each time. it is a waste of time and using virus scan did not help or solve the problem. system restore also fail to solve it. Now i am waiting for some tech expert in the tech forum to help me. am wondering have ur system ever been hit by virus? do yuo solve it yourself or get others to help you?
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41 responses
@made28 (60)
• Netherlands
10 Nov 08
hmmm getting hit at least 8 times (i'am making my money online) a day but doesn't matter that's why we have nod32 keeps my system clean, please get rid of macaffee it's a waste of money and system resources. now for the virus part: 1 turn off system restore. 2 go to http://housecall65.trendmicro.com and scan 3 clean up your'e system 4 get a better virusscanner 5 backup your'e data 6 and reformat, sorry there is no other answer if you want to be sure your'e pc is clean, some advice if you reinstall xp without a service pack make sure you are disconected from the internet untill you install sp2 good luck
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@made28 (60)
• Netherlands
10 Nov 08
just reading the whole post.... Looks like you've got a bot pc.... If you know what your'e doing you could just open you taskmanager end just end processes that shouldn't be there or even better if you are using xp pro start = settings= control panel = administrative tools = services sort them in order of started and look if somethings out of order (a driver thats autostarted and isn't a windows component) if this is beyond comprehension open cd-tray put in xp cd and reboot, sorry
• China
10 Nov 08
i tried housecall but had to abort as my internet connection would cut off before everything is completed so i tried the 30days free trial pack but not sure if its works. the initial scan reveal some spyware and trojans(i tot i had killed them with mcafee). so here i am and see if it works. hopefully it does. if not, i will do another scan again with other program
• China
11 Nov 08
thank you for your advice to use trendmicro, while i could not use the online scan, i managed to download the 30days trial version and do a scan. it found 2 trojans lurking around and managed to rid them. now my computer is running fine at the moment and i did not had a lost connection since last night. now i would like to think my problem solved and i would be using trendmicro as my AV now instead of mcafee.
@minfas (878)
• Sri Lanka
9 Nov 08
My PC has been infected many times with viruses. One of the worst one was which replaced all .exe files with an infected one. I have two hard disks, one which has only the OS and the other one for my files. Normally i format only the hard disk on which i have OS installed. But for this virus it didn't work because it has already infected all .exe files. I do format my computer by myself and i am very much comfortable in doing it.
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• China
9 Nov 08
i am not familiar with reformating. from my understanding, it is tedious and i would lose my info. am i right? unless i reformat the harddisc partition one at a time. i am almost an idiot to computer apart from surfing and playing games
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• China
10 Nov 08
yes. i think i would try it out as i believed this time i need to reformat everything to get it back in order
@minfas (878)
• Sri Lanka
9 Nov 08
Practice makes things perfect. You ask someone who knows to format to show you once. It is really easy when you once do it. Its just simple stuff with no much technical knowledge needed. Give a try, first ask someone who knows to show it how?
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• United States
10 Nov 08
my computer had a virus for about 3 weeks, and it made me mad because every time i would turn my computer on i would get this loud warning about how my computer has experienced a security threat and it needed to be cleaned out. me and my boyfriend performed virus scans on the computer every night until finally my boyfriend was at home bored and he went into the computer and did a bunch of stuff and before i knew it my computer was virus free.
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• China
10 Nov 08
wow, i am now also waiting for the feeling of restoring my system to normalcy and i think the feeling would be great. now as i typed, i am worried that i would lose connection again.
@hdjohnson (2981)
• United States
11 Nov 08
During a time in my life when I was surfing the web without any antivirus software installed. You bet I was asking for it really I was. It took days before I was able to get the matter rectified. Truly a lesson learned. Thankfully I didn't have that much information on my system that I needed to replace or reproduce. So I was blessed in that regard. But I wouldn't want to wish that on my worst enemy even though I do not think I really have any. At least none have attempted to not be friendly against me or show any animosity towards me. Now my wife is the software techy person to resolve any software challenges. To help her on my end I do not open emails with attachments especially jokes in PowerPoint presentations that everyone is Sooooooo famous for forwarding on to everyone they know.
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• China
11 Nov 08
haha. me too. i was surfing the net with this gung-ho mindset that i would not be so unlucky to come across a virus. it was like toying with fire. soon b4 i knew it, my system was infected but each time a scan with AV would do the trick but this time it was different and i ended up really at a lost of what to do next. reformatting is the last thing i want to do but i am glad that i was led to trendmicro by a fellow members in this thread and it works. i am really happy now that my problem is likely solved as i am reaching almost 20 hours now without lost connection
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@jazz555 (236)
• India
11 Nov 08
Yes many times my system got affected by antivirus. It disables many option and i need to reinstall xp or to move to any good antivirus. To protect your pc from viruses. Do a scan every week or month in safe mode. Becoz the AV detects virus better in safe mode. And it will make a deep scan. So install a good antivirus and go to safe mode and make a full system scan weekly to avoid VIRUS Attack.
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• China
11 Nov 08
oh. i do not know that doing a scan in safe mood is more effective. i will take note of it and thank you for the advice. i will now scan my computer more frequently now after what happened and i do not want it to happen again.
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• United States
10 Nov 08
I had a virus about maybe a week ago. I tried all kind of anti virus programs, anti spyware/malware and so on. Nothing has helped me. Instead I backed up all the music, pictures, programs, or any data that I value onto dvd discs(they have more space). I basically brought my computer to it's factory setting. I'm not sure if your computer lets you recover your PC without a cd but mine does. I have an HP, and when I turn it on, I press F10 on my keyboard which leads me to PC recovery, where I go onto "destructive" recovery and it turns my computer into its factory settings in about an hour. Then I simply re install the programs I backed up, and do the same with my photos and music. It all should take a person about 2 hours. Goodluck
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• China
10 Nov 08
i did that. i think this is the same as system restore which basically reset your computer to a date some times ago before it was infected. it works for me previously but not this time. so now i am stuck and battling against time. i also went into some tech forum for help but to no avail so far
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@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
9 Nov 08
I have been fixing people's computers for a long time and I have never had a good and up to date antivirus software not recognise a virus. Sometimes they have trouble removing them, but that is another matter. What very often happens, though, is that someone has a problem with their machine and immediately jumps to the conclusion that "it's a virus". Before even beginning to be able to help you, I should need to ask a number of questions to decide what the problem might really be. You say that it causes you to lose 'Internet and sound' and that rebooting the system appears to restore those functions. For how long after you reboot can you continue working normally? At what point do you lose Internet and sound again and is there something specific that you are doing at that point? Do you get any error messages when you do try to use the Internet or the sound card? Have you recently installed any software or hardware that might use the sound card or the network card (or modem)? Examples might be VoIP software (phone over the Internet) or a web cam (some of which have microphones). What 'virus scan' did you use? If it was a reputable make, did you make sure that it was up-to-date with the latest database/update? Did you allow it to do the full scan (which can take several hours)? Were there any messages of any kind to say that something had been discovered?
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• China
9 Nov 08
hi, i used mcafee and malwarebytes to scan and nothing unusual happened. normally when i log into internet, after a while, my taskbar would turn grey and i would lose internet connection and sound. i tried to disconnect but to no avail as the screen would flash rapidly but not stay still for me to disconnect it so i need to restart. i would like to add that when that happen, i can still play my game but with no sound. after reboot, everything is fine. but once i log in again, the problem would come again. at first it happen about once a day, then it gets faster and more frequently.
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@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
9 Nov 08
Oh yeah I have been hit by a virus, actually just over a month ago and I am still feeling it's affect on my online business life. It started with a few things that just didn't seem right as I would be working but nothing serious but once I tried to do a backup I realized something big was wrong. I tried to backup my files numerous ways but no luck. I couldn't even copy them to any of my servers online. I was getting quite nervous as my entire business is online. I ended up buying a new harddrive, took the old drive out, did a new install of windows, had my virus checker and adware checker installed, all was well. I then put my old drive back in as a second harddrive and was able to get all my files back. It was a nightmare and I lost lots of sleep. I am still installing software I use for my business as I need it and so far so good.
• China
10 Nov 08
when u put your old drive in, are u not worried that the virus may be hiding there? i am not familiar with how they work but i guess they are hiding around in some of your files or folder. i tried to scan them but could not find it. it is very annoying. the worse is when you and others could not locate the problem which is what happening now. i call my local online support but to no avail at the moment.
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
10 Nov 08
The virus that hit me was in the boot sector of the harddrive and we knew what the virus was. I just couldn't get rid of it. Once the drive was no longer the boot drive we had no problem getting rid of it.
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• China
12 Nov 08
wow. that was a hardcore virus? formatting the harddrive should be able to kill it right? i am not familiar with computer and i was told reformating would rid whatever virus in the drive.
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
9 Nov 08
In the beginning, I would just ignore it until I couldn't take it anymore and bring it to someone I know who would fix the problem. They would most likely just take the files that matters to me, reinstall the operating system and transfer the files that mattered to me back to the computer. Since that was simple enough, I often try to do it by myself and I have done so a couple of times already. Sometimes, viruses just get through even if you have your anti-virus software updated or it just so happens that it cannot be detected by one anti-virus software but, could be detected by another which kind'a makes it odd..
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@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
10 Nov 08
Why not set aside enough money to buy yourself a new operating system to install whenever you have to reformat your computer and even perhaps a anti-virus software..? Or the computer technicians would do something different that really eradicates the viruses without reformatting your computer? The problem with those viruses would seem odd in sense that those who get to develop them would also know how to get rid of them, hence, I think those who make those anti-virus programs would also be the ones making them, I mean, why the update, did they already made a new set of viruses that only their anti-virus program could detect and fix? Well, that's just what I could speculate on.. (^_^")
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
11 Nov 08
Yeah, I can't think of any other reason why programmers would develop viruses in the first place.. they wouldn't do so if they wouldn't get anything from it.. Well, good thing your computer is working again.. were you told of the diagnosis when you sent you computer to get fixed?
• China
11 Nov 08
actually, i think your speculation is true and many others feel the same way too. without virus, those software companies would not be able to be so successful and earn that much. imagine every computer users just pay US10 a year on protection, can u imagine how much this amount would come to? i always think that they are the one who created this virus to that users would buy upgrades or at least find their services useful and worthwhile. at the moment, my problem is solved by using a scan from trendmicro. i thnk it is alright now and i hope that it will not surface again
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@katkat (2378)
• Philippines
10 Nov 08
Many times and some caused me a lot of trouble fixing my computer. I have anti virus installed in my computer but sometimes I'm lazy to update it or to scan my computer regularly. My advice to you is to have an anti virus software installed in your computer and make sure you update it regularly. Also, scan your computer too. Scan everything that you will put in your p.c. Have your computer fix as soon as possible or you could do drastic measures to clean your p.c. In this case, you have to reformat your computer.
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• China
10 Nov 08
yes formating is the only way our for me now it seems. my AV is running but still the system got hit.
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@NonaSaile (924)
• Philippines
9 Nov 08
Hi! I've had so many personal computers throughout these years, and all of them got infected by virus so many times. I solved it myself. Usually, I had to reformat the hard drive. But sometimes, losing internet connection and sounds can also mean hardware problems. Anyways, here's hoping you solve your problem and get to your computer up and running smoothly soonest.
• China
9 Nov 08
yes. that is what i used to do but now this time it wont work. i normally activate system restore and problem would be solved but not this time. so i hope i can get it over with with some of my friend help
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
10 Nov 08
I have had several viruses. I don't use virus software. I have never found one yet that didn't slow my computer down a lot. I am careful about what I open in email but if I pick up a virus that I can't delete then I just reformat my C drive and reload XP.
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
11 Nov 08
That's why you need a second hard drive. Put a copy of everything in the second drive and if you reformat you can then just put shortcuts on your desktop to what you want. If you don't use some kind of back up you are taking a big chance on loosing everything. Some of the viruses won't even let you boot up. If that happens the only choice you have is to reformat. If you have one of the later computers you probably need to get a external hard drive that connects to you computer by way of the USB. I haven't found a way to put a second drive in these newer one with new drives.
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• China
11 Nov 08
wow, isn't is time consuming to reformat. i knew mine would as i had a lot of files like movies, music and games etc. if i reformat, i think i can spend at least one week trying to gather the pieces together so reformating is always not on my mind or list. it is the last resort and something i would not do it.
@Masmasika (1921)
• Philippines
9 Nov 08
MY son is good at computers and he takes care of everything. Actually I don't have any knowledge regarding this matter. I'm so thankful that I have my son who knows how to take care of the problem. I think what he does is to always update the virus scan. I hope someone could help you with your problem. Good luck. It's such an annoying thing having problems with your computer and having to stop working on the sites.
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@Takashy (496)
• Latvia
9 Nov 08
I haven't had any viruses lately (and luckily) but I have had some problems with viruses before. I usually use some anti virus programs to scan my computer for them so that they can be deleted. Also if that does not help I usually end up just reformatting my hard disk drive to make sure that all of them are gone. I have heard of viruses that can't be removed by a simple format but so far I haven't had any of those. And I don't want any of them. :D
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• China
10 Nov 08
i think this time i may have one of those unkillable type. i scan it for the 1st time and mcafee detected 4 trojan hiding in drive c, d, e and f of my harddrive. i removed them but problem still not solved. i had tried system restored 3 times and it still does not work. i called my local online support but we still cannont find the root of the problem
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• China
11 Nov 08
i managed to resolve it by using trendmicro scan and they managed to find out 2 trojans and 40 others spywares that were hiding which went undetected by mcafee. now my internet is up and running nad hopefully it will not come back again. i would like to think that it is clean now but let keep my finger cross
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@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
11 Nov 08
[i]Hello chiaeugene, Yes, my computer gets viruses specially when I downloading using limewire. My norton anti-virus can't remove the virus and so I have to re-install Windows. This is better than reformatting the disk. When you re-install Windows it will ask if you want to re-format the disk. If you answer yes, all your data will be lost but at least your computer is free from viruses. You have to install all other software and drivers. This will take time, you also have to update windows from the latest patches etc. Now, I stop downloading from limewire and change my anti-virus to avast and my computer is virus free up to now. Good luck friend, you need to have a backup of your important files, keep all your software keys and license available so when the virus gets you, you can restart. Regards.[/i]
• China
11 Nov 08
thanks for the advice. i would make backup of my more important files from now on. they are too precious and also time consuming to get back in case i lose them to another virus attack. thanks
@dandan07 (1906)
• China
13 Nov 08
Once have a time, I know a lillte about computer, so I surf the net with no protect. Luckily, after two weeks, my computer can not run anymore, I have to reinstall the system. Now I have antivirus software, and update it every week, I think that can help my computer work in a safe atomsphere.
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• China
13 Nov 08
yes, it is good to have all your AV in hand and protect u. constantly scanning ur pc is also good and i am doing it at least every other day at the moment. i learnt my lesson so it is better to play safe than sorry. i rather waste the time doing the scan than take the risk of not doing so
• Philippines
15 Nov 08
My computer is always been infected by antivirus Chiaeugene, Don't worry Chiaeugene, you are not alone...Me too, experience the same problem, and i couldn't repair it on my own. I have to call for a technician virus expert remover. My only way to get rid of viruses is to format the computer almost 4 to 5 times a month.
• China
16 Nov 08
yes. but i find it painful to call for an expert for a fault not by me. i felt angry because of those people who program virus just to cause misery to users. i hope they themselves would also suffer the same fate and not get their system back online. haa
• India
11 Nov 08
Hi chiaeugene, My system often gets affected by virus. Its the reason i have recently installed Kaspersky internet security, an antivirus software. Works so great and so secure real time protection and effective scanning!
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• China
11 Nov 08
great. i think kaspersky is one of the better software in market now.
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• United States
10 Nov 08
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
10 Nov 08
I either Partition my Hard drive or install a second drive. That way I can back up everything I want to keep on the D drive. Then if I need to reformat and reload the C drive I don't loose much. These little flash drives work good also for backup.
• China
11 Nov 08
yes. lucky for me this time i avoid the need for reformat as the scan from trendmicro works. if i reformat, i would lose a lot of info and files so i am really happy i did not had to do it. i was really moody for the past few days and now it is solved, i am really glad. thank you for your advice too
@alexlsp (85)
• Singapore
9 Dec 08
Hi chiaeugene, How is your computer doing? It's been quite sometime since you post the discussion and I hope the virus issue has been solved. Well, I've had my fair share of virus problem and this is what I do to mitigate damages. 1) always get a good antivirus program. I must admit i was an illegal antivirus user for quite a long time before I finally bought an antivirus program online. Personally, I feel that Kaspersky is the best program which is what I bought. if you are looking for free program, then I'll recommend AVG. 2) always partition your hard disk into 2 drives (if you have the pre-installed computer with already 2 drives, then partition a 3rd drive) use 1st drive for operating system and installing applications and the other drive for data storage. I also store the installation files and drivers in this other drive. This way whenever I have a problem with my computer and needs reformat, I only need to reformat the OS drive and still have all my data intact. 3) Get an external hard disk for backups, songs, pictures and video storage. This way, your computer is free from data overload and will be able to run in it's maximum efficiency. Sometimes, a lot of our computer problem is due to data overload and you'll be surprise how much faster your computer can run once you have clear away all the space 'eating' data. After all, if you imagine your computer like a storeroom, you'll understand it's a lot easier to find things if your storeroom is clean and tidy instead of full and clustered. So make sure you do defrag your computer say once every few months... Prevention is always better than cure. good luck and happy mylotting
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• China
9 Dec 08
hi, not too good i must admit. my system was hit again and someone hacked into it and managed to access my email, neobux, perfectbux etc and changed my password. so i am back to square one starting from scratch again.