Why do we need to question the Bible?

@efarmer (184)
November 18, 2008 6:08am CST
I am new to this whole mylot and I have been going through some discussions now. the thing that I found is that so many discussions are focussed on God and that He doesnot exist or something relating to the Bible that it is wrong and things like that. What I mean to question all these people and people like them is that it is certainly not wrong to question the Bible and for that matter anything, but why does it become so necessary to talk about something that they have decided not to believe in? If you feel that God is not there, fine.. dont believe it. but why do you need others to validate it for you? or are you just seeking some attention? I really dont get it
1 response
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
24 Nov 08
Hi, efarmer. I agree with you on many points here. There seems to be quiet a few people who 'don't believe' and just want to here themselves talk about not believing..... attention? validation?, I ask that question in my head quite often. I, too, agree that there is nothing wrong with questioning the Bible or anything for that matter, when the intention is learning and growth. Nice discussion.
@efarmer (184)
25 Nov 08
Yeah sure when the intentions are right it is alright. But most often they are not. here again I am judging their intentions which I am not supposed to. so well its good you get what I meant