does it drive you nuts when people chew with their mouth open?

United States
November 22, 2008 10:32am CST
I know it does me.So what is reccomended?Do you tell them to chew quietly?Or do you not say anything and suffer?I personally have to tell them to chew with their mouth closed.The thing that makes me even more irritated is if it is an adult!!
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8 responses
@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
22 Nov 08
yes it does. Growing up my parents would always say "Don't chew with you mouth opened." I'm sure I'm not the only whose parents said that. So, when I see people chewing with their mouth opened, I find it just gross. Like many, I'm not interesting in seeing food being masticate their food. If I want to say something, but have something to say, I either wait until I'm done with what I'm chewing, or I at least put my hand in front of my mouth.
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• United States
26 Nov 08
no you are not the only mom also taught me the same as do i with my's called home training lol.well ina ny event,happy holidays and i hope you don't have to deal with that tomorrow.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
26 Nov 08
Happy Holidays to you! And your family.
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• United States
29 Nov 08
thanks so much it was great!!!so much food i couldn't believe it!!!i cooked for two days to ppull this together!!!it turnned out real well thankyou very much,i hope yours did too.
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@shonali (1286)
• India
18 Dec 08
oh god do i hate it? i detest such people..... i mean who would want to look at half chewed up food in another persons mouth? i wouldnt... i used to do the same when i was younger but i realised my mistake and never did it again as its out rightly disgusting..... there are many people i know who still do it and i keep telling them to close their mouth but old habits die hard...... as they say !! but i wont ever give up i guess consistent that i am !!
• United States
29 Dec 08
thats great!stay that way because if it bothers bothers you.but hey what can you do right?tell them to close their mouth!thanks for the response and have happy holidays.
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@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
27 Nov 08
Yes, it does drive me crazy when people chew with their mouths open. I tell my kids when they do it. That they are being rude but also gross. To stop chewing with their mouth open. I have told adults to chew more quietly as well. They get mad but I say I have a migraine.
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@Sheepie (3112)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Ohhh, yes it does. It gives me the chills. It's not so much the sight of it as it is the sounds of it. I just keep quiet and don't say anything, I don't want to get them annoyed, and plus, they would probably just do it louder! So I try not to think about it.
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• United States
26 Nov 08
oh no i would have to say something as politely as i could.the first time anyhow.i hope you don't have to hear it on thanksgiving day,lol!well thankyou for the response and happy holidays!
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
22 Nov 08
I know how annoying that can be. I used to know a 32 year old guy who would do that while eating. I did not know about it until I went out for a lunch with him. At first everything seemed to be normal until he started to chewing and since I was seating right in front of him, I could clearly see what he was chewing and that caused me to lose my appetite almost instantly. To make it worst, he started to talk while chewing and you could see some food flying out of his mouth and that was really gross. So that was the first and the last time I had lunch with that guy. I did not tell him at that time but one fine day I called him to my office and told him that as and adult, he needs to be more cautious and aware of his actions as people are less forgiving when it comes to adults that behave like children. He did not take my advice really well and since then, I have never bumped into this person again. Too bad. I was just trying to help. Cheers!
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• United States
26 Nov 08
good job on taking a stand with this rude chewer!more people should!i certainly am not going to loose my appetite though i would have said something right then,see i don't have a lot of time or money to go out and eat all the time,therefore i wouldn't let anyone spoil it when i do.thanks for the response and happy thanksgiving!
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@redhotpogo (4401)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Yes its gross. There use to be this kid in our neighborhood that ate everything with lots of mayo, and he would eat with his mouth wide open so you could see all the mayo and crap in there. If you told him to chew with his mouth closed, he would just say something smart to you, and start smacking.
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• United States
22 Nov 08
well i wouldn't have been able to stand it!it's one thing to hear it...and a whole other to see it!and as a kid i probly would have smaked him!lol i just hate this and think it is gross!and rude to say the least!
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@Couch08 (36)
• United States
22 Nov 08
When you are talking to someone and you are chewing something with your mouth is open it is really bad so stop it. When you are chewing something when you are talking with someone that means you shouldn't respect the person.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
22 Mar 09
It amazes me how in this day and age, with all our sophistication and advanced technology, instead of things getting better they seem to get worse when it comes to manners. What is the deal? I have a friend who makes fun of me because if we are eating and talking I will put my hand in front of my mouth while I speak so no one has to see my food.