black friday???

@saraines (154)
United States
November 25, 2008 7:52am CST
i was wondering why the friday sales after thanksgiving are called black friday, does anybody know the answer to that.
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2 responses
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
25 Nov 08
My guess is that people spend more than they should, so they are depressed and not happy with false deals.... Seriously, hard to say. I rather stay home, because this is one of the biggest scams in America. Prices are up before Friday, so it looks like 50% cut, but in reality same product was on sale few days before black Friday and much cheaper.....
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@saraines (154)
• United States
25 Nov 08
thank you for your answer, it actually does make sense.
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@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
25 Nov 08
Black Friday is called as such because that is when the stores supposedly go into the black from bringing in so much money with the sales and the people coming in to get ready for the holidays. It is a come on every year that I am not really too involved in. Usually I try to stay away from the hustle and bustle right after Thanksgiving when the madness for malls comes in to play. If business are in the red then that means that they are not bringing much income but being in the black is actually a good thing for stores this time of year.