Oops...It wasn't a pirate ship after all...

United States
November 25, 2008 7:21pm CST
Nov 18th, the Indian Navy attacked left ablaze what they thought to be a modern day pirate ship. They actually thought it was a "mother vessel" since it was towing 2 speed boats behind it. Close to a week later, with 14 men still unaccounted for, we learn that it wa relly a Thai crawler that w2as under seize by pirates. This informtion was learned after the one known surviving member of the crew picked out of the water and told his story. The crew member claimed to have to attemptd to make distress calls before the pirates caught up with them...however the signal was Lost Resulting in the Indian making a mistake, and not acutally attacking a pirate vessel, but instead a vessel being taken over by pirates. For the full story check out: http://news.aol.com/article/did-indian-navy-sink-wrong-ship/260460
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1 response
26 Nov 08
That's tragic. Unfortunately, in law enforcement situations, mistakes are bound to be made now and again. I'm sure the Indian Navy are professionals, it's just a shame things went so badly wrong on this particular occasion. It does go to show that you can't depend on even the best official forces for protection, not 100% anyway.