Eternal life :)

November 27, 2008 11:09am CST
if GOD ever appears before you and says that he shall give an eternal life for u or to someone u know,whom will u choose?? And tell me y?? Care to drop in ur responses here!! Cheers
5 responses
@julise (494)
• Indonesia
27 Nov 08
I think no one really wants eternal life (even though they say they want it, the will regret it one day). So when God ask me about it... I'll say, 'no thanks God, everyone has to die someday, that's why they make their life meaningful.' And I'll say, 'oh God, if you ask someone else about this, please tell them what will they have to face if they have an etenal life'
• India
28 Nov 08
Ur answer is close to mine!!
@julise (494)
• Indonesia
29 Nov 08
happy to have someone with the same way og thinking hehe;p
@joy4you (641)
• India
27 Nov 08
If God gave me 1 wish of eternal life I would choose it for my worst enemy but if he gave me 2 I would choose myself and my wife.
• India
27 Nov 08
I really can predict as to why u wud choose ur worst enemy Anyways thanks for responding!!
• India
19 Apr 09
Thoughtful reply!! :)
@arunmails (3011)
• India
30 Nov 08
If he asked like this, I don't someone else, coz everyone should get the eternal life else, everyone go and make the hell as heaven.......
@vandhu (432)
• India
28 Nov 08
i would choose none other than you savi... reasons are many n i am sure you know em...
• India
28 Nov 08
No dear That will make things worse. Love u dear
• Indonesia
27 Nov 08
Eternal Life is my Dream... wow great. It hard for me to choose.. if GOd came to me and says that he shall give an eternal life for me or someone i know. I will choose the first one because the one a know never want to be eternal. Is possible that i can wish to god to make all human can be eternal, so noone can be suffer, there is no more war pain , disease in this world.. just a dream, is it?