what will we do if a day come, when water is completely poisioned by pollution.

December 1, 2008 3:07pm CST
as we all know that water is impuring day by day. Now it is necessary to boil or filter the water to avoid diseases. What will we do if a stage come that drinking water almost poisioned by pollution tha chmecial industries and traffic causes. Because water avialiable for drinking is beneath the soil. Sea water is not for drinking
1 response
• United States
1 Dec 08
Well lucky for me where I live in the US we don't have to boil water or filter it ourselves to prevent disease, but if water was poisoned I'd probably try to set up some kind of steam distillation rig in my home. The way that works is that you raise water to boiling temperature (just when it starts to boil), and then you keep it that way and collect the steam in another vessel, allowing it to condense into perfectly pure and sterile water. It seems to me that's the best way to really purify water in the home, and it works on salt water/sea water as well.