Cowboys vs. Steelers. I'm a Sore Loser!

@Cerego (117)
United States
December 4, 2008 10:19pm CST
I happen to be a cowboys fan. GO COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!WOOHOO! I have a male friend(i'm female) who is a die hard steelers fan(whatever!) Well, I guess you could say that we're courting. He wants to watch the game with me this sunday at some sports bar, but I don't wanna go, because If we start losing(which we won't, but there's always that tiny chance)I'll get in a bad mood, and I'm afraid I'll be too mean to him, because he likes to trash talk, and I'll get too irritated and I won't wanna be around him. Is that so wrong? Do you like to watch the game with others who are fans of the same team, or rivals, or does it even matter? I know I'm a sore loser!
3 responses
@jakeb1 (562)
• United States
11 Dec 08
I saw this game last week on FOX. It was a heartbreaking loss for the Dallas Cowboys. They were winning the whole game until the last interception. It doesn't seem like Tony Romo is that good under pressure. Your friend must be happy but the Steelers got lucky. If they play like this in the playoffs, they will be out early. I usually watch football games by myself unless it is a big game or a playoff game.
@Cerego (117)
• United States
14 Dec 08
The "Stealers" did get lucky huh. lol yeah Romo was kinda frustrating me, but I guess he was just having a tough time playing in those high winds
• United States
14 Dec 08
yep, it was heartbraking but you know what gotta deal with it buddy thats all.Well eatching football game is so much fun.
• Canada
11 Dec 08
Girl you are freakin hilarious!!! I know the game is already I hope you werent a really sore loser! Im interested to know if you did watch the game together and how it went? I think that as long as you keep your remarks strictly about the game and not about him personally things should have worked out fine!
@Cerego (117)
• United States
14 Dec 08
No, we didn't. THANKFULLY! I was so sad when they lost, because they were winning until like the last quarter of the game!
@Paula1966 (1102)
• United States
5 Dec 08
This could be an early indicator of where the relationship might head. Perhaps you should go to the bar and just find out if this is too big a hurdle to overcome. Another option might be to try to figure out a way AROUND getting upset if they lose. Ultimately, what is more important - a good relationship, or football loyalties?
@Cerego (117)
• United States
5 Dec 08
well its more complicated than that. we've been knowing each other for over a year now, so its not a new friendship, however, he would like to take it to the next level. I trash talk too, but somehow it doesn't seem that bad when I do it. lol