Does Coffee make you nervous?

@Cerego (117)
United States
December 5, 2008 10:17pm CST
I don't drink it very often, but when I do sometimes, it makes me jittery. I literally feel like I'm shaking all over. Perhaps it could be because its too strong. My mom makes very strong coffee. But I only like to drink it straight, no sugar. Maybe some flavored creams sometimes, but I will drink it black
3 responses
@sameroad (3179)
• United States
6 Dec 08
For me personally... no, coffee doesn't make me nervous but i could see why it might some people and i know of someone who has also said that drinking coffee makes them nervous... coffee how ever does wake me up a little and helps warm me up when i'm cold... i usually drink it in the morning.
@mindym (978)
• United States
6 Dec 08
Coffee contains caffeine and caffeine sometimes affects people with the "jitters".
@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
6 Dec 08
I am a coffee lover and I am not getting nervous after I drink coffee. I used to drink it with creamer and a little sugar every time i feel I'd like to drink. There is no case in me drinking my favorite beverage and it was coffee. Somebody told us that coffee is bad to our heart cause of nervousness and other sickness but in my case I don't have any strange feelings after every cup of coffee. But to those who do not coffee drinker try it sip a little once in a while.