study bible
By shivram123
@shivram123 (656)
December 7, 2008 12:31am CST
hi all mylotters,
i start this discussion after having some discussion with agent about bible,
as i said before to everyone i am intrested to study all the good in all religions,and i hav read bible but so many points are doubts for me and i think my dear christian friends here will make it study,
we will start from the begining
i think we should clear one by one,not like the discussion by maths to belittle hinduism as he never accepted anything and was teasing religion,
first of all i want to know about adam and eve story but i think he answered that question in defending bible though i need to hav it once more cause defending bile was a topic in christianity and we people in religion also want to hear it :)
shiv ram
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6 responses
@freethinkingagent (2501)
7 Dec 08
I guess I will go first. I wish you would actually start before Adam and Eve story, because it goes wrong from the beginning, at least it goes wrong from the way Christians are taught.
It is a big misconception that the bible says that Adam and Eve were the first man and woman, yet the church has thought that for millenniums now. Anyone who actually reads the bible would see that on the sixth day God created man, both male and female crated he them. So on day six God created men and women. that is chapter one day six remember. Now go to chapter two vs 3, God blessed the seventh day and rested from ALL his work, vs four says these are all the generations of the creation of heaven and earth. Vs five now, no plant and shrub was in the field the earth, and there was no MAN to till the ground. read though to vs 7, It says God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils and man became a living soul, Then God makes a garden toward the east in Edin and puts the man there. the word used for man is Hebrew Adam, meaning man, So it is after the seventh day God creates Adam and sometime after that he creates Eve, Why would the church teach this differently?
As always, this is only my interpolation of this book, And many "scholars" would say I am wrong, But if I am wrong the order of creation makes no sense at it would mean God had to create everything twice.
I hope this does not offend anyone, but I can only see that it has to be interpreted the way I have stated.
To many this would seem an error, but it would be the same for a someone unlearned to begin reading The Mahabharata, How would they know unless they are taught correctly the way to read and interpret this great writing?
This interpretation would also explain one other great mystery. If Adam and Eve were the only people on earth, and they had three sons, Cain and Able, and later Seth, And Cain killed Abel and then went into the land of wondering and there he knew his wife and he build cities. What? Who was his wife, and if it was just the two of them why build a city, unless there were actually other men and women here on earth before Adam and Eve, so then the question would be, why does the story begin with Adam and eve and not the actual first man and woman? What is being hidden from you? and where did Moses get this story? Why is Adam so important?
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@freethinkingagent (2501)
7 Dec 08
Oh and BTW, can you tell the Hindu equivalent to this story? The story of creation? Short version is okay.
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@freethinkingagent (2501)
7 Dec 08
Thanks Mathss, But I thought I heard a different version before, I could be wrong though.
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@shivram123 (656)
• India
7 Dec 08
ok on the sixth day god created both men and women but if u see it in hebrew u can see that it means adam and eve too, and i am not asking u only on these there are so manay doubts i got only in genesis
i will make it list here after clearing this doubt,
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
7 Dec 08
Phewww! I had a hard time getting to respond, I didn't know if I could add any more to the conversation, things are working now...
Anyway, you two Agent and Shiv have quite a conversation going on, and Mathss certainly adds a touch of disdain.
Agent please do not feel set up for ridicule, look at my beliefs and my posts and see that we are of the same understanding, we sometimes do talk past each other as you are trying your best to cover up your true thoughts and what you have learned, but suffice it to say that I have already known what you are writing and I've added a bit to the conversation.
That is why I simply wrote write off the cuff or from the hip, (Call me Annie Oakly SP?) But at best there are parts I didn't know and many parts I already knew so like you I don't know everything but I know a lot or can see a lot from astrology to the texts written in the Bible.
Agent, you started off with the Sumerian texts and the story of Gabriel the woman emperor of Eden the other term being rib in additional translations. I said see that is proof that this Bible thing needs to be reworked. This story I was not aware of.
When you asked about the deeper meaning to the fall of man, I knew that story and in astrology in the southern hemisphere where these stories are created there is the battle in the sky of the Dragon and the Snake as they are in mortal combat and who is winning?
Shiv, As for the image of GOD that is where we need to begin, we first need to define this GOD. I hate to say that you have to use my definition of GOD because my GOD has grown from when I was a child I believed as a child believes, now I am a man and I see that my GOD is much greater than the GOD I knew as a child.
How can I show you an image that only you can see? What shall I point to so that you can know this is of GOD and it is good?
Now I'm a bit more voyeuristic in the fall of man story, I see that Eve ate of fruit with Adam standing there next to her... We all know that some things are not to be eaten... The knowledge of good and evil and the need to cover our nakedness... I could do a number on Elvis singing 'Here comes Santa Clause' also... At best women and men are here for a reason and that is to take care of the Earth and all living things on the Earth and we are to care for each other and create generations that will out number the stars. (Paraphrased of course)
Now Agent, I have a question as you often elude to missing texts. Are you familiar and I'm sure you are of the Lilith texts? Apparently as legend would have it Adam had a first wife who turned out to be evil and independent. *I can so relate to that story.* Lilith tried to control Adam and the world around her not being a partner but a master over her domain she was also banished from the garden of Eden.
Now GOD wants to teach Adam to be strong and Loving and we are tested, but when does GOD reward our good deeds if ever? Do we continue to walk with GOD even though we can not see GOD? How do you know GOD is with you? Have you seen a sign?
Sleep well I hope my computer remains strong and protected.

@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
8 Dec 08
And there I am with so much to write.
I hope you get enough sleep Shiv. I also hope you like that library link I posted there are some really good reading materials in that link. Volumes...
You said it right that our view of GOD changes like how we grow the Earth remains the same while we change perspectives as we grow and yet GOD is not just in our imagination. The problem is that we can not share our visions with others, we can write and tell others but that doesn't give first hand witness to this GOD that is spoken or written about.
We can show the work of GOD and how we can do the work of GOD as we gather together but that doesn't show another person that this GOD exists.
How do we show proof positive?
I have some thoughts, in our actions and in our song, in our fruits and in our practices. We can show that GOD is with us and in us but by definition others might manipulate our purpose and use previous measures against the good that we do for GOD. That brings up a whole host of other issues.
@shivram123 (656)
• India
7 Dec 08
if u look in genosis u can see that he made human beings in the form of god and that too he said like "let "us" make" and aftr it he made humans but if we look further it says that god is not seen and not heard,tht wht i asked,
i know ur god grows bigger as u grow cause its your imagination,but when we grow the earth will not grow,it is still the same but the thing is that our view point is changing
sorry if i stated wrong,i am mad to be sleep :)
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@freethinkingagent (2501)
8 Dec 08
I will try to answer these questions to the best of my ability.
Gabriel was a governor, her name GABR, or GAVR. Many Sumerian words can be found in every language of the world, see the Latin word for Governor- "GUBERnator". She was the wife of Lord En-Lil and called the compatible angel.
As for who is winning the war in heaven, well they take turns, When Draco is on top he is browsing the heel, When he is on bottom, his head is being bruised
I did make a mistake though, the ancients called the star Thuban, which is located on Drcos tail. It used to be the north star long ago and therefor in the middle of the garden, but because of the procession it has shifted and Polarise is now the north star. Any way Thuban was considered the tree of Good and Evil which Eve/Virgo ate of.
I know of several Lilith texts, Actually again she was a Sumerian?Babylonian Demon, but she changed in the Hebrew myth as the first mate of Adam. There are also Qabalistic text about her, and is the reasons we sing Lullabies (Lilith-abie 'lilith away' or be gone)
I am surprised our new friend didn't want to go more into the punishment of the serpent. There is a play on words in the Hebrew text, the word "above", while it sounds derogatory, as in he was above all other animals, hehe, so many (Christians) fail to grasp this one, Draco is above everything at the north pole. God said cursed are you ABOVE all cattle, not more but above. interesting words yes?
I can't weight to get further in the garden, you do know that the garden story goes way beyond genesis correct? Get a book on Hebrew Astrology, This is the garden. the heavens. Ancient man always copied it on earth, naming their cities and monuments after the constellations and made heaven on earth and God/Kings to mimic what they saw in heaven, surprising nobody else has seen the layout of this on earth if they would pinpoint the ancient cities, some have noticed that the pyramids are layout similar to Orion/hercules, but all the monuments and cities were mapped out this way I believe. This is why we have references to E-den as a place on earth as well as in the constellations of heaven, also Jonah, Ezekiel and other stories, they are all in the Sky's. But this I do believe. They saw these wonders in heaven as a sign of the ages, and through the processions of the ages they could see what was coming. They made feasts and festivals as shadows of things to come.

@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
7 Dec 08
Interesting discussion,
As I have tried to discuss this before.
Agent brings up some interesting mysteries and contradictions.
Let us begin with this creation story, and GOD saw that everything was good. And "they created them in their image." Now when that line was first pointed out to me, I didn't understand the implication and meaning. Then something would happen, I would come to know something that I need to share with others.
So where do we actually begin?
Should I provide a few links?

@shivram123 (656)
• India
7 Dec 08
gary u hav a wonderful point in it,
do god posses a image????
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@freethinkingagent (2501)
7 Dec 08
Go for it, you know i always ready to learn something.
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@mae1216 (658)
• Philippines
7 Dec 08
We are at the same situation, one day, when we woke up early in the morning, then we realized that we need to renew ourselves and be ready to be with God tru Bible study. At the moment, I am a beginner and the Christian community are there to help me.
@ganga472007 (624)
• India
7 Dec 08
Hello Shivram123,You have started a good subject for discussion.I am also interested to study bible,quran and holy books of various religions of the world. Let us take good teachings in it,instead of stick on to certain fictions contained there on and arguing in favour and against.We shall respect all religions equally. Ancient religious faith in India had met several modifications/additions/changes/ alterations by many reformers like Mahaveer, Gutam Buddha, Gurunanak and many others. Thanks.
@freethinkingagent (2501)
7 Dec 08
Welcome to the discussion, you seem to have some knowledge about the more ancient Hindu religions.
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@shivram123 (656)
• India
7 Dec 08
ganga welcome to discussion
for this discussion u may need a bible or just get any online site,
we are clearing the probable doubts in it and studying it as its orijinal
we can see so many good things in it
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