can ex lovers be friends?

December 9, 2008 2:48am CST
my ex asked me if its okay for us to be friends since we cant be good lovers. I don't know what to tell him because i am still hurt and i cant accept the fact that were now over. i want to know your insights. is it okay to be friends with your past lovers?
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16 responses
@kedves (728)
9 Dec 08
I think it is good to be friends with your ex lover. at least you will have a good friend who knows you well and who will care about you also .. why does friendship have to end because love does? friendship is sometimes more rewarding it lasts longer and it can also bring you closer .. i would always suggest to find a way to stay friends otherwise you will also be losing a part of your life that was important to you at one time .. :)obviously if the relationship was ended because of bad things then i would suggest move on without them.. but i am talking of a relationship that just didn't work :)
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• Philippines
9 Dec 08
hello kedves! for me being friends to an ex depends on the situation. if you both decide to let go in a good terms i prefer to be her friend because i don't want to have enemy...but if the relationship ended because of bad experience i will agree with you to move on without connection to him anymore so that you can easily recover from being hurt.
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@achinthya (1216)
• India
9 Dec 08
I know it will be difficult for you to accept him as a friend,but forgive and forget this should be the theory in life because if you keep this inside for long you only will lose, so go ahead be frienly keep the past aside and go ahead with the new life.
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• Philippines
10 Dec 08
You're right achinthya. Though its hard, I am now looking forward for the brighter side of life. Maybe someday I'll get over this. Thanks for your insights.
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• Philippines
9 Dec 08
i think its not ok ...while until now u still hurt..and the fact that its not easy to move takes time...too be friends with him/her...and everytime u saw ur ex u always expecting the love or care from him...move on alone...theres a lot of things u can do around u...try it..
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• Philippines
10 Dec 08
yes its true. And i am now trying to move on alone. I am actually enjoying myself with my friends and my family but its really difficult and i have to admit that hes still the one that i wanted.
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@vanonas (949)
• United States
10 Dec 08
I'm not friends with any of my exes. I guess we're on ok terms, but we don't keep in touch or anything. My boyfriend isn't friends with his exes either.
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• Goose Creek, South Carolina
10 Dec 08
I'm actually going through the same trouble right now. It hurts to know that the one you love doesn't love you back - it's not a crime, but it hurts all the same. And I think you should tell him just as you told us, that you are still hurting and coming to terms with the separation. That said, being able to be friends with your ex is an admirable thing. I think the most important thing is to be honest about your feelings with him. Let him know you still care. It may be a long time before you can even use the term 'just friends' so let the hurt run its course. Don't try to avoid him, if you see him every day, and just keep pushing forward with your life - one day he'll be able to see what a great thing he missed.
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• India
10 Dec 08
girlfriend is best friend not ex-girlfriend
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• India
13 Dec 08
Its all about how an individual can handle it. But practically speaking its really difficult for ex to be friends as feeling of love, hate and betrayl will never leave haunting them.
• Philippines
9 Dec 08
It depends on how intimate was your relationship before. As for me all my ex's are now my friends but not really best of friends. We're just good friend. Ohhh exept for 1 because I have not seen him for a long time. And in your case Is it still early from the break up? If it is just take your time to heal first sooner when you have get over it you'll find that you can be best of friend.
• Philippines
12 Dec 08
Of course I'm positive! ^_^ You will just laugh at it when you've finally get over it. You'll see...
• Philippines
10 Dec 08
Its not that early though. Its now three months that passed. Is it possible to be friend with him after healing?
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@becnh83 (806)
• Philippines
9 Dec 08
it depends, there are few wants there ex to be their friends after all but in my case i dont want i just cant deny the fact that we we're lovers before and i cant forget the times when we were still together....
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@Lucifey (93)
• China
6 Jan 09
I'm not sure of other people, but for me, ex can never be friends again whatever the matter.
@missy54 (17)
• Philippines
9 Dec 08
if you really got hurt don't give anymore a chance to have connection with himso that you can easily forget and can move on from that bad experience, being friends to somebody is good but not to the person that hurt your fellings no way for me!
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@anyoung (75)
• India
16 Dec 08
Yes why not I don't find anything wrong in it unless both of you want to remain as a friend. If they are ex-lovers they would be an excellent friends because they already know each other so much.
@troyski (103)
• Philippines
14 Dec 08
its really hard. this is for sure. i passed through this stage how many times already. but i've always wanted to live life wihtout having the burden of bearing hate for anyone. and its true what they say about time being the best healer. after moving on, all that i choose to remember are the lessons learned from previous relationships. hopefully, these would help not to repeat them again. then i just cherish the good memories. i am now actually friends with all my ex'es. even those who were really, really bad to me back then. :-)
• United States
19 Dec 08
well on this one im going to speak from personal in-sites....when my ex and i broke up we wanted to stay friends but even though i broke up with him i was still really hurt....i mean i had to break up with him bc he was cheating on me....but anyways we BOTH wanted to be friends but we soon discovered that we tried to be friends too fast and we ended up hating each other....well it even came down to us having to make my cousin choose between us bc i couldnt stand to be around him bc it hurt too much and she choose him....well eventually we got that part resolved but him and i still couldnt stand to be around each other....eventually i got over him and i moved on to find the most wonderfully amazing guy i could ever ask for (tom) for my ex this was almost 2 and a half yrs ago and we are just now starting to have civilized conversations again bc we tried to rush things.......HOWEVER....i went through a really rough patch and ended breaking up with tom and we wanted to still be friends....and so we talked everyday bc i told him i didnt want to end up in a spot like i was with that other guy....and so he still told me he loved me and i told him i still loved him...and now we are back together and we have been together for over a year the moral of the long story is that you have to decide what is right for you and at what time it is right
@goshgurl (40)
• Philippines
10 Dec 08
Yez of course!!! 100%...specially when you've done a lot of happy moments. You should be friend with your ex lover because she/he became a part of your life and she/he onced made you better not be mad at him/her but be thankful to him/her for passing through your life although it hurts at first.
• Nigeria
10 Dec 08
hi, being friends with an ex-lover depends on the individual's own personal perpective or point of view. though we are human and we have a heart, we definately will feel it loosing a loved one, someone very close and dear to us but we just have to overcome somethings in general.its not quite easy though, i know how you must be feeling right now because it has happened to me a couple of year back and i really had a hard time going over it, but i did and i am still friends with the lady now. it makes you feel matured in everything about your love and emotional life. u will feel secured and the respect for each other will grow more than when you were lovers. u will advice eachother, support eachother and care for eachother too. like i said it depends on the individual, but i overcomed it and i believe u can too. have faith in yourself, be yourself and have control over these two things... 1. desire and pleasure. cherish this.... 2. good friends. i wish you all the very best in your life.