End of the Year Blues

South Korea
December 10, 2008 1:14am CST
I just got finished with finals this week and for all of you students out there I understand that you either just got finished with finals or are about to start. I would like to say keep your head up, and that although finals time makes everyone want to blow up and quit, this will make you stronger and better. Constantly remember as you prepare that there are worse places that you could be other than cooped up in some silly library or glued to your computer! Always remember that you are going to make a difference and that difference, whether big or small, make sure it is a good one, that affects someone positively. Keep your head up and you will be surprised at the places you will go! Don't worry if you screw up, everyone screws up a final every now and then. Don't worry if you are not at the top of the class and instead somewhere in the middle! Just live your life and live it well! Don't cram for major presentations! Be encouraged all of those students who are currently going through finals time! The light is truly at the end of the tunnel! It is not a train.. and I can't guarantee it is heaven, but it will be something different than you imagined! Keep believing in yourself. These are a couple of things I learned this year while taking my finals.
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