What is your current internet browser and are you satisfied with it ?

@lusirafa (944)
December 20, 2008 12:20am CST
Couple weeks ago I'm still using internet explorer (IE 7) as my browser. Then I'm experiencing it becoming more slower to browse on high detailed pages. So my friend advice me to use Firefox 3. And right know I'm enjoying my browsing with FF3, it's so fast,user friendly and I think it's way more safer than IE7. So, my friend what internet browser you use right know ? Are you satisfied with it or are you gonna change it to another browser ?
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30 responses
@chaomi (56)
• Philippines
21 Dec 08
Actually, we have both browsers, Internet Explorer 7 aand Firefox Mozilla 3. I use both of them but in the matter of surfing the net, Firefox is faster than IE7. Oh well, I still think that both are nice browsers.
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@freda529 (136)
• China
21 Dec 08
I use firefox for a long time and enjoy it.it's fast,convenient and safe.I don't like IE.Before I use QQ browser.But I think firefox is much better.
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@Gwapako_28 (2140)
• Philippines
21 Dec 08
i am using internet explorer. i dont have any problem about it. it works so fast and i am satisfied for the services and how it works for me.
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
21 Dec 08
I'm also using Mozilla Firefox version 3.0.5 as my internet browser. I'm pretty happy about it. I always update it and managed to have some add-ons that are really useful. It has anti-phishing filter also, it will not allow us to go to suspicious sites wherein hackers might get our personal details. I've received a testimonial from a friend in Friendster (the Chipmunks video from youtube), when I've tried to play it my browser didn't allow me because it is a suspicious site. I'm really relieved because I've heard lately that some hackers are doing that to access your account and do whatever they want with it.
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@derek_a (10874)
21 Dec 08
I changed from using IE over a year ago. It was getting painfully slow and constantly crashing. I read on line that it was because IE7 was designed to run on Windows Vista more than XP, the problem was, that once I upgraded, I could not go back to the original IE6 which was much better on my system. Firefox is great, but I also have Safari which is quite good too. :-) Derek
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@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
21 Dec 08
I have been using Netscape Navigator 8 for years now. I do have Firefox 3 and Interner Explorer 7 installed but i like Netscape Navigator 8 personally because it's got this user password feature. It's important to me because i can save all my bookmarks and visited sites without others touching and knowing it. I got my privacy safe from people here at home. It's got everything i want except that it's sometimes not compatible with other sites like Yahoo! mails' new interface.
@bam001 (940)
• United States
20 Dec 08
I am using IE7 too. I am perfectly happy with it. I have tried FireFox in the past, but really didn't like it as well as I like IE.
@Mitraa (3184)
• India
20 Dec 08
My current Internet browser is IE7 and this is good for me inspite of a little slow. This has been wih me foe the last six months! Thanks for your nice discussion!
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
20 Dec 08
Currently my main browser is Firefox and I like it very much. If the websites don't support it, then I have to use IE. I like Firefox, especially I have the add-on called "delicious". I can keep my bookmarks wherever I go. I love China
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@apples99 (6556)
• United States
21 Dec 08
I have Internet explorer I think its 7 and Iv been having a few problem's with it as well, whats fire fox and dose it work with windows xp?
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• India
21 Dec 08
I use firefox and earlier too i always preferred to use firefox. I think it is most reliable and easy to use. I have so far never experienced any problem using this browser. I once remember very well when i used internet explorer and had to format my system as my system starting behaving in a very different way not allowing me to open other icons on the desktop. Hence, since then, i do prefer only firefox which enhances secure traffic.
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• United States
21 Dec 08
I switch between browsers often. Sometimes I use Internet Explorer and other times I use Firefox. Right now I'm on IE. I'm going to try to use Firefox more though since I heard that it's more secure then IE. I'm probably not going to stick to just one though. I use whichever one I happen to open at the time lol.
@shaie78 (141)
• Malaysia
20 Dec 08
For me I using Mozilla Firefox rather than IE7 browser is easy..It is comfortable for me to surf internet..and safety for transaction money
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20 Dec 08
I've always used IE browsers but IE7 is the worst one to date! its completely naff. Constant crashing, slow loading times, and various other bugs. I'll be upgrading to IE8 just as soon as it's released. I'm a web dev so need to use FF3 as well. I don't bother with anything other than IE or FF as the % of users is not worth the development time imho.
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@Zalvor (727)
• Turkey
20 Dec 08
I am using FireFox 3 and I'm very satisfied with it. It's been ages I left Internet Explorer. I'm sure the new version has some nice abilities, but Firefox looks cool and works great. I'll stick to it.
• Philippines
20 Dec 08
I started out using Internet Explorer, too. That was about I think five years ago. Yup, I switched to Firefox, too. IE just have too many bugs that time and I canĀ“t browse some webpages. I guess it was some bug. Well, whatever, until now, IE is still low and slow and recently, some problems of IE was televised. Something to do with the passwords, I think. I tried Opera. Bummer. Firefox is definitely better.
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@katkat (2378)
• Philippines
20 Dec 08
I used IE before but that was a very long time ago. I am using Mozilla firefox and its work very well and fast too. Its easy and user friendly. haven't had problem using it. I will not use IE as it is very slow and there is a news that you could be hacked using IE browser.
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• United States
20 Dec 08
I like firefox as well. I like that it saves your tabs if it quits. I also have a mac and it uses Safari. I don't like that I have to enter my password every time I check my email. Firefox and IE save the email passwords and user names. Safari doesn't.
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• India
20 Dec 08
Now i am using safari for surfing internet as it is very fast in uploading pages and very stable. Opera is my second choice and i never use internet explorer as it is very slow and hangs many time. About firefox, it is fast but it use many ram resource and i have only 256 ram so safari is my first choice and i am satisfied with it.
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@23uday (2997)
• India
20 Dec 08
Hi frnds, Currently iam using a internet browser is mozilla firefox.This browser is best and good internet browser.Iam satisfied with mozilla firefox.Mozilla firefox is best it stores a restore sites when powercut.Mozilla firefox is fast browser,best,safe.
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