A member from myLot copied my myLot-Guide out of my Blog!! What shall i do now?

The hijacked Webpage- my myLot-Guide!! - My Blog about myLot and the Guide for myLot has been copied :-(

@cornyman (1128)
December 26, 2008 9:11am CST
Hello my dear myLotter, today i recognized that someone had copied a part of my Guide for myLot. At first i thought, who made a link exchange with my blog because the person who came to my blog was referred from a free hosting page which i never had visited or seen before. I followed this link in the morning and yes, it was my starter page for the Guide for myLot. Now i'm wondering because i invited this person yesterday night as my friend (without knowing that this person did already copy my page without permission). Just now i saw that this person answered the same new member (only one week later than me) to which i gave the advice to watch in my guide which she could access through my profile. What would you do if you are in this situation? Can you do anything to stop someone doing such a thing?
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30 responses
@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
26 Dec 08
Hello, cornyman. Please contact myLot staff and ask them to warn the user, since your text is rightfully yours. However, texts on the Internet are not copyrighted in anyway, I guess, which means anybody can just steal them without saying anything to you. It sucks, I know. Sometimes, I'm afraid of editing my profile in social network websites, because I usually add texts that I create. But what if somebody steals it, and, when one of my friends look, they say: "So, Munhozmib only copied that. I thought he was smart enough to create one.". That is the risk. That's why we have to be careful with Internet. Message the user too, and tell him that the text is yours and you did not authorize him to use it. Respectfully, Munhozmib.
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@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
8 Jan 09
You know, this sucks. People who lack creativity are doing stupid things. I'm afraid of, for example, putting a poem that I create on Orkut, the social network I mentioned before. We don't have 100% freedom. Fight for your rights, there should be somewhere you can go to prevent this. Talk with the company responsible for hosting your blog.
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@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
28 Dec 08
Hello munhozmib, as i began my work with writing this guide i thought the same. Can somebody just copy this and have some fun with it on his own web page? And now this becomes reality. But i will keep on blogging and improving it, so that it's unique. The first person who copied the guide has already seen it as a fault and apologized. She deleted my guide on her page. The second person is more aggressive because now he can promote "his" blog about myLot as his invention. Let's see what the next days will bring. Enjoy myLot and good luck for 2009!
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Dec 08
There might not be much you can do brother. That is pretty bad that somebody can't think of anything to say about MyLot. I can talk about MyLot all day! I just choose not to. =D
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@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
29 Dec 08
Hello TrayBlaylock, you have a talent to write, too, Tray. Why not trying to write about myLot as i know you really can write a lot of things. So you must be fascinated from myLot nearly the same as from wrestling ;-) At the moment i just can argue with them publicly in myLot or by private e-mail. Publicly i earn some money from myLot ;-) But private is much more convenient. Have fun in myLot and keep on posting :-)
• United States
30 Dec 08
Actually, yes you can. Contact them and tell them you will report their copyright infringement to their host if they don't take the material down ASAP. If they don't respond, send an email to their blog host (looks like a blogger blog to me). Inform them that one of their members is using the site to illegally distribute copyrighted material. They will most likely take it down.
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@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
10 Jan 09
Good Word of Advice. "thumbs up"
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@chennai_b02 (1735)
• India
26 Dec 08
Blogs - Blogs..
I am not have much idea about the blogs in mylot, becasue i dont know anything about blogs in mylot, i have not experienced it so far.. As for as the Copy and paste the Terms of the mylot guidelines and others, to the discussions and the responses, is not a bad things, provided if it is really needed for that particular place.. No body should do it, volentoryly or for the sake of the number of discussions copy the guidelines made as the discussions/ repsonses is basically wrong. Where ever its really needed, there is nothing wrong by using the same.. at that place this has been treated as a "Quote"When we talk something we may used to quote some of the old sayings know, we have to treat the same too as like as that quote.. All the very best for the discussions and keep postings and enjoy mylot.
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@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
28 Dec 08
Hello chennai_b02, thanks for your information. In my case at the moment two persons copied parts of my guide in the Internet-Blog, not a blog inside of myLot :-) If these persons would use a quote and tell the visitors of their website, go to cornyman's website for the guide, it would be ok but they just copy it and make it their own message on their blog :-( Have a nice time in myLot and a Happy New Year!
@savypat (20216)
• United States
26 Dec 08
I don't think there is anything you can do, just be flattered that you wrote something good enough for someone to want to copy it. I don't know if blogs can come under the copy write laws I think it take to lone to get a copy write for it to matter on a blog. Have a Happy New Year
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Dec 08
Wrong revellanotvanella--I just looked about copyrights...and found this...here's an excerpt from a website Blogs posts are copyrighted by default. The #1 rule to remember is that, by default, posts to a blog (or to a discussion forum, for that matter) are copyrighted material, and the author owns the copyright. Just because it's "public" doesn't mean it's "public domain". That means that it is subject to all the restrictions on copyrighted work, i.e., it can't be freely copied and used even with proper credit without either a) the permission of the author or b) within the context of "fair use". Here's a link all about copyrights and blogs...and more http://ezinearticles.com/?Using-Copyrighted-Material-in-Blogs-and-Forums&id=103411 I would write to mylot about this how this person infringed on your copyrighted material since this would be considered downright stealing of your material. One thing you might add on the bottom of each page of your blog is a warning notice that all material on your blog is copyrighted and may not be used in any form without permission of the author of the blog...and add that copyright notice ©
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Dec 08
Yea, I agree, I just have come to accept that if there is material I list online, especially with the free sites that basically that material is fair game unless its copyrighted material and only then do you have the legal basis to stand on. i imagine all Mylot can do at the most is delete their account. I like to write so I know how much that would get under my skin but I have not been able to get myself to list any of my writings online because Im not willing to have everything copyrighted and just the thought of someone using my material under their name would drive me nuts--the feeling like it could be right under your nose and you don't know. Your guide sounds interesting though, i'll check it out, thanks.
@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
28 Dec 08
Hello savypat, yes, i think there could be perhaps a little problem with the copyright. But as long as i have the prove that my work has been written earlier than the work from someone else, nobody can say, that i copied from them. Sure, on the other side it's flattering when somebody uses your words to promote a website. But you also can ask, are they just lazy to find their own words or change it so that is no more similar to mine. The second person uses the same pictures, colors and so on, very funny! Have a good time in myLot and happy New Year!
@suzzy3 (8342)
26 Dec 08
What a cheek can you report them as it is just not fare.They have pinched your work,maybe you could publish them on here so the rest of us can avoid having them as their friend,trust is something these type of people don't appreciate.I feel so sorry for you,bless.x
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@suzzy3 (8342)
27 Dec 08
Perhaps I did go over the top,I hope you have a happy new year.
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@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
27 Dec 08
Hello suzzy3, i think it's not correct to punish someone directly in the public. The discussion shall be only a warning for this person. That she shall take care the next time when she wants to steal something. I think it was already effective! Have a good time in myLot and take care!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Dec 08
One thing if you havent got a copy write to it ya maybe cant But also I think you can turn this into mylot and see what they can do and I would drop as a friend as thats just not right!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
18 Jan 09
ok did they change thier posting? Its awful that someone would copy your blog and I hate to say it but ya might need to copy write it and if it happenes again ya can sue and Mylot then can cancel them out for that is one of the rules no copy write stuff. Good there is an old saying keep your friends close an your enemies closer. I hope they did what ya asked of them!
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@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
17 Jan 09
Hello Lakota12, do you think with this discussion more persons will copy/use my Guide to their blog/homepage or do they know now that it's not that good to copy other persons postings? MyLot can't do anything against this private copying. If i delete the friendship, i forget who the person has been who copied some parts of my Guide. So i just messaged them to change their posting or back link to my blog. Enjoy your time in myLot!
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
26 Dec 08
Well since this person is on your friends list you are able to send her/him a personal message and let this person know you are not at all happy with this and if you wish to do it you can always alert myLot of what has happened for a more drastic measure. No one has the right to copy information in this manner and you do have the right to make your thoughts known I'd say.
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@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
28 Dec 08
Hello Grandmaof2, yes, you're right. I did this while writing this discussion because i thought a discussion is also a good method to show this person/these persons what is right and what not. And i wanted to see what other persons would suggest to do if they would find out that someone copied their contents from web pages. For this person it was useful, she deleted the copied things already some hours after i started this discussion. Only now i have someone else who promotes his Blog who is allaboutmyLot with my copied content, copied in the last 7 hours :-( 90% same words and design. Have a nice time in myLot and good luck in 2009!
1 person likes this
• India
28 Dec 08
ohh that is very sad, because its not fair for that person to copy your guide .. post a comment on his blog about this .. and also if you are interested you can inquire anyone about what you can do about this issue and how can we stop it. but i would conclude saying that do whatever you can do but give it a try ..
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@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
18 Jan 09
Hello brucekaushik, things like this seems to happen, not only to me, but it's a bad situation when you sit down and write and write and think about the right words. On the next day you see somebody just took your work and want to promote with your words . Let's hope we will get everyone who made this plagiarism copying. Enjoy your time in myLot!
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
29 Dec 08
You can certainly report this person to myLot, cornyman ... it's against the rules to copy text from other people. You could also send a personal message to this person asking them why they plagiarised your text and warning them not to do it again. It would be very annoying, and myLot have been known to ban members who abuse the system.
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@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
10 Jan 09
Definitely Report This To MyLot, especially if the copied material is posted any where within their MyLot account!
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@crazydaisy (3896)
• Canada
26 Dec 08
I would say something to mylot about what's happen and see what they will do I would keep a eye on who ever is doing this and then report them to mylot. cd
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@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
28 Dec 08
Hello crazydaisy, at first i thought it would be ok to say something to myLot but in the end they won't have any chance to act because the user could make a new account with another e-mail. So the game could go on an on again? On the other side it's not a blog within myLot it's in the world wide web. I think myLot would be the wrong "person" to give notice about it :-( Thanks for your help! Have a nice time and a good luck for 2009!
@savak03 (6684)
• United States
27 Dec 08
I'm not sure if I have any answers for you because I don't understand blogging. I keep reading about it because I want to learn how to do it. However I do have some thoughts. Did this person post your material as her own? If so then you have a case against them. Did they post the material on Mylot? If so, then contact the admin and tell them that it was your work and give them the link where it is and let them decide.
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@lourry (72)
• China
27 Dec 08
hi,cornyman. firstly, you may be kind and patient enough to inform that guy of what you think about the plagiarizing things he/she has done to you and try to communicate with him/her. if it doesnot work,just feel free to call for helps from mylot administrator to protect your own right and meanwhile make sure that unreasonable guy will get what he/she deserves. wish you good luck and happy mylotting,my friend.
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@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
18 Jan 09
Hello lourry, sometimes it's not that good to fight back in a bad way, its better to find a cooperation between both. He did on the first two days when he linked his page with mine but then he deleted the link again. As he saw that some persons visited my blog from this backlink. He is not really trustworthy. And he used the copyscape button after he read this discussion or visited my blog again as i put it in my blog for plagiarism protection. Wait and see what he's next step will be Enjoy your time in myLot!
@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
10 Jan 09
I don't know how to stop them. It's completely wrong to do such a thing. But I am glad I ran across this topic. Is it alright with you if I go to your website to find out some things? I've searched MyLot about various questions, and couldn't find anything. I won't if you don't agree to it. I, at least, have honor. I may be a smartass, but I do NOT steal. Thank you.
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@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
14 Jan 09
Hello snowcat46, can i know what was your purpose for the visit . Which questions do you want to have solved? Everyone is allowed to visit my blog. There is nothing to say against it. You also can take me on your blogroll if you like my blog, then i would put you on my blogroll too and our visitors can visit each other blogs. Just response me here or there or by Mail. Enjoy your time in myLot!
@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
17 Jan 09
Hello snowcat, it's ok to ask me on my blog or here. Perhaps other myLotters want to know the answer, too. It's up to you, just mail me a PM, if you left me some comments on my blog. Sometimes i don't get a notification for blog comments. Enjoy your time in myLot!
@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
15 Jan 09
That's part of the problem. I don't know what questions to ask, or what I need to ask about. You seem to have a comprehensive idea of what goes on, so I was just going to browse it. As I read, I might have questions (might? Yeah, sure), but then I'd have more idea of WHAT to ask. So I'll go to your site and ask questions there. I already have a couple just from your post! But I'll be good and do my asking there. Yes?
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Dec 08
If they copied your blog & pasted it here as a discussion on MyLot, or a response to someone's mylot discussion, then they violated the MyLot guidelines. If it is indeed pasted here on MyLot, can you direct me to it?
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@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
10 Jan 09
Hello KrazyKlingon, no, they didn't copy it from my private blog into any myLot discussion. They just copied & pasted it into their own blog and told other persons it's their material, how to use myLot without any link back to me or credit. Enjoy myLot!
@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
27 Dec 08
hmmm... hi cornyman! i understand how you feel. it is very hard to guard our intellectual property. and there is really no law protecting us, especially online. as for me, i don't mind people copying my work, as long as they credit me and link back to my site. that would meaan additional backlinks for me. but if not, we really can't do anything. take care & God bless u. merry christmas!:-)
@katemeow (847)
• Singapore
27 Dec 08
oh, this is bad can't you report this to the mylot admins? I really hope that people will be more respectful with regards to other people's works. Good luck and I hope that the issue will be resolved.
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@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
8 Jan 09
Hello katemeow, from the two person i know at the moment the issue seems to be solved. Could it be that my discussion gave some other persons also the opportunity to copy some parts of my guide? Let's see if i find some other persons in the next weeks :-) I think myLot admins don't want to get involved into conflicts which are not related to their own page. Have a great time in myLot and good luck for 2009!
@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
27 Dec 08
Well, if I were in your place, I would talk to the person first and request him to delete the article or credit you with the byline. and a link to the original article to your blog. Even is it's a free site, you should have copyright of your own article. To make this clear to other readers, post a message in your blog that all materials written there are subject to copyright, and state your conditions, about linking back to your blog or crediting you with the byline. This way, it would be productive to you and for your blog as a venue of your blog exposure. Also copy paste a copyscape widget into your blog which will detect any article of yours posted in the internet. Good luck and happy hoildays.
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@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
9 Jan 09
Hello Jenaisle, it's a very good idea with the copyscape widget even they didn't scan every page when you don't pay for the service i could detect already some pages with similar content :-) Thanks for the suggestion. I think i have to do the message with the copyright and the backlinks somewhere on the right side of my page, so that it is visible for everyone to every time on every page. I believe it would be the best to do this above the copyscape widget. Have a good time in myLot as well with your interestings blogs!
• United States
27 Dec 08
Wow that is a very add thing. Isn't there anything myLot can do to help you. You can prove that it is yours. This person should get banned for this. I thought this was really against the rules. I am sorry you have had to go through this.
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@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
10 Jan 09
Hello morningstar369, you can call it a odd thing or just unfair ;-) Sure, i could prove it's mine because my page is older than their page and it's the same or similar arrangement on their site (listing and so on). Sometimes you should be more patient and let them copy some sentences but i don't think they have the right to copy everything. Have a great time in myLot!
• China
27 Dec 08
so..report to the mylot is your best way, perhaps the person who copy your guide only appreciate your articles and don't know the permission. also you can contact with him/her to tell them this is not permitted.
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@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
5 Jan 09
Hello celebratelifeh, i think myLot has no power to help me in this case. It's my private blog and not a blog inside of myLot's homepage :-( Sure they appreciate my work. So they don't have to do excellent work on their own :-( Let's see how long someone can sustain with this attitude! Have a great time in myLot and Happy New Year!