hav u ever touched any "snake" or other reptile in reality????????

snakes have u touched them?? - snakes r the reptile
hav u ever touched them
December 29, 2008 9:01am CST
reptiles r the most beautiful for someone n most ugliest creature for someone on this earth. wat do u say the nost commmon reptile snake hav u ever touched it or seen it how do u find them r they dangerous but for just information max no of snakes r non poisnous very few hav got poison hey if u hav touched any snake or any other reptile like crocrodile,lizard etc then do share it ???????
3 responses
• United States
29 Dec 08
When I was in school my biology teacher kept a Boa Constrictor in the classroom. I helped her clean the cage often so I helped her get the snake in and out of the cage. I have held lizards, but I don't go looking for reptiles to hold.
• India
30 Dec 08
good yar it looks u r very brave hav a good day
• India
6 Jan 09
ya i have not only touched snake but also sunk on snake but bymistake in childhood i went to a village i stay there some day. In field there was a charpoy where the snake was siting i went to the charpoy actuallty i didn't see that snake is on charpoy and sunk on it to get relax when i felt snake under me o my god i was around 100 meter away from it.it was so big. That was Nice luxury charpoy to me hehehe
@ana31798 (41)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Where I live alot of people have snakes and iguanas for pets so I have touched them and held them. There are also lizards all over the place. I guess that's why I'm really not scared of them or think they are icky. My best friends dad when we were kids use to have a snake, a tarantula and at one time a little alligator as pets. I think the alligator is taking it too far but it was very interesting.