have you taken up some interesting resolutions like me for this new year?

new year 2009 - Enjoy 2009 and be happy.
December 31, 2008 8:02am CST
My resolution is not to make any resolution. Every problem has a solution and every resolution has a problem. I've decided that I won't make a resolution on this NEW YEAR, but rather when change is needed. I will make a resolution that very minute and treat that as the beginning of a new year . As my parents force me to take any serious resolution, I have taken up a resolution that I want to make atleast one person happy everyday. When I go abroad, I see people smiling even at strangers. But, in our country people have forgotten the basic "Namaste" or "Salaam Alaykum". We do not even flash a smile at others and I want to become a good listener as listening makes a person patient. MAY I KNOW YOUR RESOLUTIONS?
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