Making extra money

United States
January 2, 2009 9:23pm CST
What are some of the easy jobs out there. Are they for real, Are they free, Why would anybody want to pay a fee to get a job in this economy right now.
2 responses
• United States
10 Jan 09
I made a website What it does is helps people get referrals to complete those offers like, "Free xbox360", and "free camera". When you complete an offer from someones referral link, in return you get your link posted. Its a win win for everyone If you want $55, go to the site. By getting just one referral to complete an offer you get $55. So when you complete the offer, we will then post your link, and in no time someone will complete the offer getting you $55.
• United States
4 Jan 09
Some EASY jobs are just joining freebie sites. like Rewards1 for example. you can visit that site here: Yes it is free, and ya the economy is sorta messed up, but they always manage to payout. :) good luck