Crazy things your children do to show you they love you.

United States
January 5, 2009 12:44pm CST
Im a single mom with three kids 1, 2 and 6. I work full time and rarely have time to myself. Lately i cam down with a horrible cold and was unable to talk (as i lost my voice). I thought my head was gonna explode! As i was sitting in our playroom , (probably looking pitiful) my oldest comes in with a coffe mug full of tea and told me not to worry, she would take care of the boys! At that moment my infant crawled over and laid his head on my lap and gave me the biggest smile ever! I instatnly felt so much better. Its amazzing the power children have to push you forward even whe you are not feeling the best. Of course even though the effort was there my oldest come back in five minutes later and says "are you better im gonna need some help with this mommy stuff"!! What has your kids done for you today?
1 response
@tinkerick (1257)
• United States
5 Jan 09
Thanks for that anecdote! Children are wonderful aren't they? I'm rarely sick, but when I am they do tend to step up and offer more help than usual. The things that get you though, are when they do something just out of the blue. Like a week or so ago my daughters decided to do some cleaning - for no reason at all. They mopped the kitchen floor and cleaned the counters and sink. It was a nice surprise! (although my suspicion on the mopping is because I got that Swiffer wetjet and I think my 11 year old really wanted to try it out. )